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Nor would I like anyone to think law and order had completely abdicated its function. As offenses multiplied, laws grew more severe, misdemeanors became felonies, felonies capital offenses. When death by hanging became the prescribed sentence for any type of theft it was necessary to make the punishment for murder more drastic.

They can believe all this and further, that a majority of the citizens in the places where these outrages have been committed, connived at them; and by refusing to indict the perpetrators, or, if they were indicted, by combining to secure their acquittal, and rejoicing in it, have publicly adopted these felonies as their own.

I am told nearly all felonies will be embraced now from murder to burglary and that Her Majesty's Secretaries are more willing to aid our officers, than was the case a few years ago, when no end of quibbling tied up justice."

They abolished the whipping post, the branding iron, the stocks, and other barbarous forms of punishment which had up to that time prevailed. They reduced capital felonies from about twenty to two or three. In an age of extravagance they were extravagant in the sums appropriated for public works. In all of that time no man's rights of persons were invaded under the forms of law.

"I well I well, let it go at that." "Secondly, with all your crimes and felonies, you have one decent trait left: you really would like to fall in love. And I suspect you'd even marry." "There are grounds," said Gatewood guardedly, "for your suspicions. Et après?" "Good. Then there's a way! I know " "Oh, don't tell me you 'know a girl, or anything like that!" began Gatewood sullenly.

I will only add that the methods at Elmira have passed far beyond the experimental stage in this matter. The necessary effect of the adoption of the indeterminate sentence for felonies is that every State prison and penitentiary must be a reformatory. If he is incapable of reform, he must stay there for his natural life. He is a free agent.

"Shut the transom," says I to Crowder. "I'm under no pledge, I say," shouted Farwell, "and I do not compound felonies. You're not conducting my campaign. I'm doing that, and I don't conduct it along such lines. It's precisely the kind of fraud and corruption that I intend to stamp out in this town, and this is where I begin to work." "How?" said I. "You'll see and you'll see soon!

This can best be accomplished by what is known as the "habitual criminal act," providing that persons guilty of three or four felonies shall be sent to prison for life, to be released only upon satisfactory evidence of reformation.

Will you agree to some middle ground, if it can be shown that more men can be made sober and less men hypocrites?" "I stand solely for the principle of prohibition, unswerving till death," announced the clergyman. His partisans applauded. "You won't stop and listen to what may be for the actual best interests of our State, then?" "I'll not license crime nor compound felonies with criminals." "Mr.

In the nineteenth century the laws generally held the maiming or murder of slaves to be felonies in the same degree and with the same penalties as in cases where the victims were whites; and when the statutes were silent in the premises the courts felt themselves free to remedy the defect.