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The love of the sex remains with every man after death, according to its interior quality; that is, such as it had been in his interior will and thought in the world, n. 46, 47. Conjugial love in like manner remains such as it has been anteriorly; that is, such as it had been in the man's interior will and thought in the world, n. 48.

Our casualties were 9 killed and 47 wounded. That storming battalion left over 100 dead about our trenches.

At noon on the 13th, being in the latitude of49' N., longitude 31° 47' W., the wind became variable, between the N.E. and S.; and we had light airs and squalls by turns, attended by hard showers of rain, and for the most part dark gloomy weather, which continued till the evening of the 15th, when, in the latitude of47' N., longitude 31° W., we had three calm days, in which time we did not advance above ten or twelve leagues to the north.

But, after cutting, you will have still more to do lay them flat and keep them so and rigid with left hand whilst you, with rasp 47, fine side, level from one end to the other, not from you across the rib, as the other way is safer for keeping square, and obviates the risk of tearing away part of a lining or slip from a corner block.

The last state is such as the successive order is, from which it is formed and exists, 313. What was the primeval state, which is called a state of integrity, 355. Of the state of married partners after death, 45-54. There are two states into which a man enters after death an external and an internal state; he comes first into his external state, and afterwards into his internal, 47*.

The average for the whole empire, of those from the towns passed as fit, had fallen from 53.52 in 1902 to 47.87 in 1910.

This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. 47.

Accordingly, if the calendar years were to be reckoned by this list of consuls, it was necessary to note the days of entering on and of demitting office in the case of each pair, along with such -interregna- as occurred; and this too may have been early done. From 291 u. c. The 47 years preceding that date cannot be checked, but must likewise be at least in the main correct.

Seclusion of girls at puberty among the Indians of California, 41-43; among the Indians of Washington State, 43; among the Nootka Indians of Vancouver Island, 43 sq.; among the Haida Indians of the Queen Charlotte Islands, 44 sq.; among the Tlingit Indians of Alaska, 45 sq.; among the Tsetsaut and Bella Coola Indians of British Columbia, 46 sq.; among the Tinneh Indians of British Columbia, 47 sq.; among the Tinneh Indians of Alaska, 48 sq.; among the Thompson Indians of British Columbia, 49-52; among the Lillooet Indians of British Columbia, 52 sq.; among the Shuswap Indians of British Columbia, 53 sq.; among the Delaware and Cheyenne Indians, 54 sq.; among the Esquimaux, 55 sq.

Melaghlin O'Donnell succeeded Donnell More from '41 to '47, Godfrey from '48 to '57, and Donnell Oge from 1257 to 1281, when he was slain in battle.