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The battle of Chalons, the convulsive death-throe of the Roman empire, arrested his career, A.D. 451. Four years after this event, through intrigues in the imperial family, Genseric, the Vandal king, was invited from Africa to Rome. The atrocities which of old had been practised against Carthage under the auspices of the senate were now avenged.

Rushworth, vol, ii. p. 249. Franklyn, p. 451. v Rushworth, vol. ii. p. 272 Scudamore, too, the king's ambassador at Paris, had orders to withdraw himself from the communion of the Hugonots. On pretence of pacifying disputes, orders were issued from the council, forbidding on both sides all preaching and printing with regard to the controverted points of predestination and free will.

In the last years of the emperor Theodosius II. they filled with horrible misery the whole range of country from the Black Sea to the Adriatic. In the spring of 451 Attila broke out from Pannonia with 700,000 men, absorbed the Alemans and other peoples in his host, wasted and plundered populous cities such as Treves, Mainz, Worms, Spires, Strasburg, and Metz.

The earl of Suffolk, chancellor of the university of Cambridge, dying about this time, Buckingham, though lying under impeachment was yet, by means of court interest, chosen in his place. * See note A, at the end of the volume. Rush worth, vol. i. p. 371. * Parliament. Hist. vol. vi. p. 444. Parliament. Hist. vol. vi. p 451. Rushworth. vol. i. p. 225. Franklyn, p. 118.

I have twice before urgently called the attention of Congress to the necessity of legislation for the protection of the lives of railroad employees, but nothing has yet been done. During the year ending June 30, 1890, 369 brakemen were killed and 7,841 maimed while engaged in coupling cars. The total number of railroad employees killed during the year was 2,451 and the number injured 22,390.

"During the year 1854, 861 works in the Russian language, and 451 in foreign languages were printed in Russia; besides 2940 scientific and literary treatises in the different periodicals." The number of works anywhere published is, however, no indication of the number of books put in circulation, since some will have to be multiplied by tens, others by hundreds, and others by thousands.

It endeavours to justify the outrages of the house of commons, in the case of the Middlesex election, and to vindicate the harsh measures then in agitation against America: it can only, therefore, be admired as a clever, sophistical composition. Eb. For arguments on the opposite side of this question, see the Abbé Raynal's Revolution of America, and Edin. Rev. xl. p. 451. Ed.

Since the establishment of the bureau here, it has been found necessary to issue rations to freedmen, as follows: To citizen employees 46 To helpless and infirm 236 To sick and hospital attendants 1,169 Total issued 1,451 ===== The number fed by the government to-day is as follows: Men 7 Women 6 Children 10 Total number infirm and helpless rationed 23

Ante, ii. 451. 'My friend the late Lord Grosvenor had a house at Salt Hill, where I usually spent a part of the summer, and thus became acquainted with that great and good man, Jacob Bryant. Here the conversation turned one morning on a Greek criticism by Dr. I could not help thinking that he was somewhat of my opinion, but he was cautious and reserved.

At the great battle of Chalons, in the year 451, he fought it out: Hun, Sclav, Tartar, and Finn, backed by Teutonic Gepid and Herule, Turkling, East Goth and Lombard, against Roman and West Goth, Frank and Burgund, and the Bretons of Armorica. Wicked Aetius shewed himself that day, as always, a general and a hero the Marlborough of his time and conquered.