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The election brought a great surprise, for the big city, whose adverse vote suffragists had always predicted would have to be outbalanced by upstate districts, won the victory, the latter not helping but actually pulling down its splendid majority. Upstate districts, 349,463 ayes; 350,973 noes, lost by 1,510. Majority in the State as a whole, 102,353.

I know that when I reached Allatoona, on the 9th, I saw a good many dead men, which had been collected for burial. Corse's entire loss, officially reported, was: Killed. Wounded. Missing. Total. 142 353 212 707

Since then there have been circulated, through our instrumentality, 4,030 copies of the Scriptures; four day schools, for poor children, have been established by us; 1,119 children have been instructed in the six day schools, and 353 children are now in those six day schools.

Bayle's "Historical Dictionary," art. KNOX, remark G. Works, iv. 244. Works, iv. 246. Ibid., iv. 225. Works, iv. 245. Ibid. iv. 221. Works, vi. 514. Ibid. iii. 334. Works, iii. 352, 353. Ibid. iii. 350. Ibid. iii. 390, 391. Works, iii. 142. Ibid. iii. 378. Ibid. ii. 379. Ibid. iii. 394. Works, iii. 376. Works, iii. 378. Ibid. vi. 104. Ibid. v. 5. Ibid. vi. 27. Ibid. ii. 138. Mr.

When Mausolus, king of Caria, died about B. C. 353, his wife Artemisia, was so disconsolate, that she drank up his ashes, and resolved to erect in the city of Halicarnassus, one of the grandest and noblest monuments of antiquity, to celebrate the memory of a husband whom she tenderly loved.

On November 7 the "East" spoke again when the voters of New York by a majority of 102,353 gave full suffrage to women. Besides paying the expenses of the suffrage school, the National Association paid the salary of Mrs.

No such custom is known to have existed among Semitic peoples, by whom a sharp distinction was made between the divine and the human. The Mazdean faith, like the Israelite, made it impossible to accept a deceased man as a god. +353+. Examples of the occasional divinization of deceased men in the Hellenic world are given below.

Louis. La Barre sailed for home; and the Marquis de Denonville, a pious colonel of dragoons, assumed the vacant office. Sir John Werden to Dongan, 4 Dec., 1684; N. Y. Col. Docs., III. 353. Werden was the duke's secretary. Dongan has been charged with instigating the Iroquois to attack the French. Lamberville a La Barre, 10 Fev., 1684.

Grover reported his loss during the 13th, 14th, and 17th as 53 killed, 270 wounded, and 30 captured or missing; in all 353.

Since the death of Constantine, the "accursed emperors" had waged against it a furious war. In 353, just before the birth of Augustin, Constantius promulgated an edict renewing the order for the closing of the temples and the abolition of sacrifices and that too under pain of death and confiscation. But in distant provinces, such as Numidia, the action of the central power was slow and irregular.