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See ante, ii. 167. See ante, i. 387. In Johnson's Works, ed. 1787, xi. 197, it is recorded that Johnson said, 'Sheridan's writings on elocution were a continual renovation of hope, and an unvaried succession of disappointments. According to the Gent. Mag. 1785, p. 288, he continued: 'If we should have a bad harvest this year, Mr.

The total receipts during the next fiscal year, ending June 30, 1881, estimated according to existing laws, will be $288,000,000, and the estimated ordinary expenditures for the same period will be $278,097,364.39, leaving a surplus of $9,902,635.61 for that year.

This time was found by measuring the amount of lag, and comparing it with the known velocity of the mirror. Having got the time, he had only to compare that with the length of half the wire, and he found that the velocity of electricity was 288,000 miles a second.

Although the average farmer is now better off than ever before, farm families as a whole have only begun to catch up with the standards of living enjoyed in the cities. In 1946, the average income of farm people was $779, contrasted with an average income of $1,288 for nonfarm people. Within the next decade, we should eliminate elements of inequality in these living standards.

And see Cotton MS., Vespasian, c. iv. fol. 264, 276, 285, 288, 297. " He sent unto the emperour, provoking and enticing him to send an army into this said land." Act of Attainder of the Earl of Kildare. See also Leland, Vol. II. p. 136. The account given by Gonzalo Fernandez of his visit to Desmond is among the Archives at Brussels, and supplies a curious picture of the state of the country.

The receipts into the Treasury from the 1st of January to the 30th of September last have amounted to $16,219,197.70, which, with the balance of $1,198,461.21 in the Treasury on the former day, make the aggregate sum of $17,417,658.91. The payments from the Treasury during the same period have amounted to $15,655,288.47, leaving in the Treasury on the last-mentioned day the sum of $1,762,370.44.

Grover's brigade had lost 461 out of 2000, of which one regiment, 288 strong, accounted for 6 officers and 106 men; three regiments of Reno's lost 530; and it is probable that more than 4000 men had fallen in the wood which lay in front of Hill's brigades. The fighting, however, had not been without effect on the Confederates.

Erman, in an admirable paper contributed to the Zeitschrift, 1883, showed it to have been a forgery concocted by the priests of Khonsû during the period of the Persian rule in Egypt, or in early Ptolemaic times. Ancienne des Peuples de l'Orient, chap, vi., pp. 287, 288.

The liberality is certainly measured. With much praise there is much censure. Works, viii. 288. See ante, ii. 36, and Boswell's Hebrides, Aug. 23. Of Johnson's conduct towards Warburton, a very honourable notice is taken by the editor of Tracts by Warburton and a Warburtonian, not admitted into the Collection of their respective Works.

Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, i. 183, 186. Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, i. 130, 135; ii. 288. Encyclopædia Britannica, article "Zoology." Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, ii. 367. Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, ii. 367.