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The latitude, from concurrent measurement of the Giant, the Bull, Orion, Aldebaran, and other constellations in the absence of the sun was ascertained to be a little above seventy-six degrees, and the variations of the needle were accurately noted. On the 24th January it was clear weather and comparatively mild, so that Heemskerk, with De Veer and another, walked to the strand.

Well into September there were bits of Delville wood and High wood still in German possession, and a concerted attack of 18 August was a failure except for the seizure of Leipzig redoubt. On the 12th, however, and again on the 16th, the French improved their position north of the Somme and got close to Maurepas, of which they completed the capture on the 24th.

Bamboos and reeds, with trash of all kinds, were hurried along the muddy waters. Where were all the crowded inhabitants of the pool? The prison doors were broken, the prisoners were released, and rejoiced in the mighty stream of the Atbara. The 24th of June, 1861, was a memorable day.

BRITISH OFFICERS. Wounded severely Lieutenant E.W. Costello, 24th P.I., who had already been severely wounded, but continued to do duty. " " Lieutenant F.A. Wynter, R.A. NATIVE RANKS. Killed...... 1 Wounded..... 17 All the next day the enemy could be seen dragging the dead away, and carrying the wounded over the hills to their villages.

That city, not defending itself, secured tolerable terms of capitulation, and surrendered on the 24th of August. The Grand Commander had not yet given up the hope of naval assistance from Spain, notwithstanding the abrupt termination to the last expedition which had been organized.

Camp, between the branches of York River, August 24th, 1781. When a person, sir, has Lord Cornwallis in front and is flying through the sands of Virginia, he must depend upon others to give circumstantial news of America.

The shags and soundings were our best pilots; for after we had stood a few miles to the north, we got out of soundings, and saw no more shags. The succeeding day and night we spent in making short boards; and at eight o'clock on the 24th, judging ourselves not far from the rocks by some straggling shags which came about us, we sounded in sixty fathoms water, the bottom stones and broken shells.

On Saturday evening, the 24th of August, he supped in his dressing-gown, in presence of the courtiers, for the last time. I noticed that he could only swallow liquids, and that he was troubled if looked at. He could not finish his supper, and begged the courtiers to pass on, that is to say, go away. He went to bed, where his leg, on which were several black marks, was examined.

Most unfortunately, and just at the critical moment, Greene was taken down with a raging fever, so that when Washington came over on the 24th he found much confusion in the camps, which he repressed as best he could, and then prepared for the attack. Greene's illness, however, had caused some oversights which were unknown to the commander-in-chief, and which, as it turned out, proved fatal.

24th October. Here I had to leave the ship and cross the Isthmus, three English miles broad. At Lutrachi we went on board another vessel. During the passage to Calamachi, which lasts only a few hours, the little town of Megara is seen upon a barren hill. Nothing is more unpleasant in travelling than changing the conveyance, especially when it is a good one, and you can only lose by doing so.