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In 1909-10 the Dominion's expenditures in mail and steamship subsidies amounted to a total equivalent to $1,736,372. The amount appropriated for 1910-11 increased to $2,054,200; while the estimates for 1911-12 reached a total of $2,006,206. The grand total of subsidies and subventions paid by Great Britain and all her colonies in 1911 approximate ten million dollars annually.

The sheep-grazing north of the Park, and the general settlement by ranchmen of Jackson Hole, have deprived the elk herds of those regions of their natural food. For several years past, up to and including the winter of 1910-11, some thousands of weak and immature elk have perished in the Jackson Hole country, from starvation and exposure.

In the winter of 1910-11, when there was such scarcity in the Iditarod, it cost the writer thirty-nine dollars and fifty cents to feed seven dogs for a week, and he has more than once been at almost a similar charge in the Koyukuk. But in all his travels he has never yet been unable to procure some sort of food for his dogs.

In 1909, the State of Wyoming spent in feeding starving elk $5,000 In 1911, the State of Wyoming spent in feeding starving elk 5,000 In 1911, the U.S. Government appropriated for feeding starving elk, and exporting elk $20,000 In 1912, the Camp-Fire Club of Detroit gave, for feeding hungry elk 100 In 1910-11, about 3,000 elk perished in Jackson Hole In 1911-12, Mr.

For example, in North Carolina, which assigns for negro education much more than the average of the States containing any considerable proportion of negroes, the total paid to negro teachers in 1910-11 was $340,856, as against $1,715,994 paid to white teachers. Five years later, negro teachers received $536,272, but white teachers received $3,258,352.

Jung, C. G., "Morton Prince, M. D.: 'The Mechanism. etc., A Critical Treatment;" Jahrbuch fur Psychoanalytischen Forshungen, 1910-11. Freud; See page 81, on symbolical method. Emerson, R. W., "The Poet," Complete Works, Vol. III pp. 34-5. Freud, "Interpretation of Dreams," p. 243. Russell, Bertrand: Lowell Lectures, 1914; Cf. Lect.

These are some of the causes and circumstances that made the revolution of 1910-11 not all of them, for there must be remembered in addition the Yaqui slave traffic, the contract-labor system of the great southern haciendas, and a dozen other iniquities, greater and lesser, which also contributed to precipitating the revolt.

WISCONSIN: In spite of the fierce fight made in 1910-11 by the saloon-element game-shooters of Milwaukee for the control of the wild-life situation, and the repeal of the best protective laws of the state, the Army of Defense once more defeated the Allied Destroyers, and drove them off the field.

In some other ways that 1910-11 period was quite notable. The years were beginning to tell upon the Force, which was always popularly considered as a corps of young men. But in reality it had travelled through time for wellnigh two score of years, and men who had joined up while scarcely out of their teens had given a long day's work and were entitled to go on the pension list.

Through these last long summer days she sat on the terrace surrounded by the flowers and the sunshine that she so loved. Little children came to play at her knee, and old friends travelled from afar to pay her court. In the winter of 1910-11 my brother visited Aiken, where he spent several months.