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The Austrians have no brigadiers, and the French have no major-generals in their Etat Major. What have the Saxons? Adieu! LONDON, March 27, O. S. 1748. DEAR BOY: This little packet will be delivered to you by one Monsieur Duval, who is going to the fair at Leipsig.

Lettres du Baron de Busbec. Paris, 1748. 3 vols. 12mo. These are written from Turkey, whither the author was sent as ambassador by Ferdinand King of Hungary, and from France, where he resided in an official character. The original is in Latin. There is a translation in English; but this comprises only the embassy to Turkey.

Adieu. BATH, October 12, O. S. 1748. DEAR BOY: I came here three days ago upon account of a disorder in my stomach, which affected my head and gave me vertigo. I already find myself something better; and consequently do not doubt but that the course of these waters will set me quite right.

Dupleix himself saw it not; for some years more he continued building, on the sand of Oriental intrigues and lies, a house which he vainly hoped would stand against the storms that must descend upon it. The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, ending this general war, was signed April 30, 1748, by England, France, and Holland, and finally by all the powers in October of the same year.

We passed, this afternoon, one of the most interesting historic points upon the river the picturesque site of ancient Logstown, upon the summit of a low, steep ridge on the right bank, just below Economy, and eighteen miles from Pittsburg. Logstown was a Shawanese village as early as 1727-30, and already a notable fur-trading post when Conrad Weiser visited it in 1748.

To a young tradesman he wrote, in the year 1748: "Remember that time is money. He that can earn ten shilling a day by his labour, and goes abroad or sits idle one half that day, though he spend but sixpence during his diversion or idleness, ought not to reckon that the only expense; he has really spent, or rather thrown away, five shillings besides....

It was at first supposed that he had dug into an isolated villa of some rich Roman; and it was not until 1748 that prying archaeologists hit on the truth and induced the Government to send a chain gang of convicts to dig away the accumulations of earth and tufa. But if it had been a modern Italian city that was buried, no such mistake in preliminary diagnosis could have occurred.

Hopeless Situation. Several years after his arrival in America, Muhlenberg realized the need and conceived the thought of founding an orphan asylum with a preachers' seminary in connection; and in 1748 he had acquired the ground for this purpose.

Some important facts and remarks relating to Hudson's Bay are given in this voyage. Account of a Voyage for the Discovery of a North-west Passage, by Hudson's Straits, in 1746-7, in the California. By the Clerk of that Ship. 2 vols. 8vo. 1748. This relates to the same voyage as the work of Ellis. Hearne's Journey from Prince of Wales' Fort, in Hudson's Bay, to the Northern Ocean. 1795. 4to.

General Belleisle, leaving a small garrison at Egra, with the remnant of his force crossed the Rhine and returned to France. He had entered Germany a few months before, a conqueror at the head of forty thousand men. He retired a fugitive with eight thousand men in his train, ragged, emaciate and mutilated. From 1743 to 1748. Prosperous Aspect of Austrian Affairs. Capture of Egra.