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The fleets were to be equipped by the Maritime States; but any expenses they should incur later on were to be defrayed by all in equal shares. The formation of this league was made public on the 12th of April, 1495, Palm Sunday, and in all the Italian States, especially at Rome, was made the occasion of fetes and immense rejoicings.

The gatehouse with the curtain ending in drum towers, of which one only remains, was first built at the close of the thirteenth century under Edward I; but it was restored with Perpendicular additions by Bishop Thomas Langton, whose arms with the date 1495 may be seen on the escutcheon above the arch.

"I remain, your daughter and servant, ISABELLA DA ESTE." Written with my own hand in Mantua on the 16th of July, 1495." The siege of Novara, where the Duke of Orleans had been beleagured since the middle of June, was now the centre of interest in Lombardy.

On the completion of these he painted the celebrated Madonna della Vittoria, now in the Louvre a large altar-piece representing a Madonna surrounded by saints, with Francesco Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua, and his wife, kneeling at her feet. It is a dedication picture for a victory obtained over Charles VIII. of France in 1495.

The denarius was the South German equivalent of the North German pfennig, of which twelve went to the groschen. The Imperial Constitution of 1495, forbidding private war, applied, it must be remembered, only to the lesser nobility and not to the higher, thereby placing the former in a decidedly ignominious position as regards their feudal superiors.

It is unfair to judge him by the semi-democratic constitution of the beginning of the year 1495, which was neither better nor worse than other Florentine constitutions. He was at bottom the most unsuitable man who could be found for such a work.

The University of Paris Traditions and schools of Philosophy and Theology The College of Montaigu Erasmus's dislike of scholasticism Relations with the humanist, Robert Gaguin, 1495 How to earn a living First drafts of several of his educational works Travelling to Holland and back Batt and the Lady of Veere To England with Lord Mountjoy: 1499

In 1495 the glass houses at Murano extended for a mile along a single street and the great furnaces roared night and day, so you can imagine how much glass was made on the island." "My!" gasped Jean breathlessly. "Absolute loyalty to the art was demanded of every man engaged in it," Giusippe said. "And you can see, señor, that this was necessary.

An anonymous Hebrew writer writes from Jerusalem in 1495, that a few days before a Jew from Hebron had been waylaid and robbed. But he adds: "I hear that on Passover some Jews are coming here from Egypt and Damascus, with the intention of also visiting Hebron. I shall go with them, if I am still alive."

Philippe de Commynes, writing of his entry into Venice in 1495, says,