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Of a principal objective point. Of fronts of operations, strategic fronts, and lines of defense. Of zones and lines of operations. Of temporary strategic lines and lines of communications. Of natural or artificial obstacles to be overcome or to oppose to the enemy. Of geographical strategic points, whose occupation is important, either for the offensive or defensive.

The multiplication and consolidation of Bahá’í administrative institutions, in both zones under the jurisdiction of the elected representatives of the community, and in the neighbouring territory of Austria, must be given a fresh impetus through repeated exertions and carefully devised measures.

Anon we entered the groves of mountain-pines anchored in the rocks, and with girths upon which succeeding centuries had clasped their zones. They seemed like Nature's senators in council as they whispered together and murmured in the breeze that reached us laden with music and freighted with resinous aroma.

But it is only in the lower and middle zones that the meeting of winds and woods is to be seen in all its grandeur. One of the most beautiful and exhilarating storms I ever enjoyed in the Sierra occurred in December, 1874, when I happened to be exploring one of the tributary valleys of the Yuba River. The sky and the ground and the trees had been thoroughly rain-washed and were dry again.

Allusion has already been made to numerous zones in the Lias having each their peculiar Ammonites. Two of these occur near the base of the Lower Lias, having a united thickness, varying from 40 to 80 feet. Miller. 1/2 natural size. E. Forbes. Among the Crinoids or Stone-lilies of the Lias, the Pentacrinites are conspicuous. The remains are often highly charged with pyrites.

At five o'clock in the evening, before that fleeting twilight which binds night to day in tropical zones, Conseil and I were astonished by a curious spectacle. It was a shoal of argonauts travelling along on the surface of the ocean. We could count several hundreds. They belonged to the tubercle kind which are peculiar to the Indian seas.

But as we know the sexual impulse is not awakened by the excitation of genital zones alone. What we call tenderness will some day surely manifest its influence on the genital zones also. If the mother better understood the high significance of the sexual impulse for the whole psychic life and for all ethical and psychic activities, the enlightenment would spare her all reproaches.

The Army's responsibilities in Europe extend now only to our zones of occupation in Germany and Austria and to two small areas in northern Italy. By contrast with Germany, in Japan we have occupied a country still possessing an organized and operating governmental system.

Among the most important of these statistical facts are tables giving the comparative rain-falls in the different plant zones of the old and new worlds, and the classes of vegetation peculiar to each of them.

On this same principle of former migration, combined in most cases with modification, we can understand by the aid of the Glacial period, the identity of some few plants and the close alliance of many others, on the most distant mountains, and in the northern and southern temperate zones; and likewise the close alliance of some of the inhabitants of the sea in the northern and southern temperate latitudes, though separated by the whole inter-tropical ocean.