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Updated: August 23, 2024

It was his evident endeavor this evening to impress his distinguished guests with the tremendous importance of the Atlantic Bridge Company and its unsurpassed facilities for handling big jobs. A large part of young Wylie's experience had been acquired by manipulating municipal contracts and the aldermen connected therewith; he now worked along similar lines.

"The first he can," replied the other. "He's thinkin' of buyin' the Stormberg, Wrench Wylie's big freighter, and he'd shift you on to her. Then I'd have the Burdock." "Then you'd have the Burdock!" The Captain leaned his elbow on the engine-room telegraph and faced his son. His expression was wholly compounded of perplexity and surprise.

"I'll try and get them up the gully on some excuse," he whispered to Mary. "You plant the hide before we come back." "It's too late. Look there!" She pointed through the doorway. The other two were at the logs where the fire had been; the burning hide had stuck to the logs in places like glue. "Wylie's a fool," remarked the old trooper.

From the sounds he could tell that Wylie was giving a dinner-party, and with Lowe's aid he soon identified the guests as members of the Royal Barrata Bridge Commission. Hanford began to strain his ears. As the meal progressed this became less of an effort, for young Wylie's voice was strident.

"And I have paid my passage money, and will not be turned out now except by force," said the reverend gentleman quietly. Wylie's head was turned away from Mr. Hazel's, and on its profile a most gloomy, vindictive look; so much so that Mr.

Miller, the vicar, and some mothers and other chaperons looked on and consumed light refreshments, which were brought out upon trays by Smilash, who had borrowed and put on a large white apron, and was making himself officiously busy. At a quarter past the hour a message came from Miss Wilson, requesting Miss Wylie's attendance.

Upon Wylie's return I mounted him on one of the horses, and accompanying him on foot, proceeded to where he had left the kangaroo; as it was only one mile and a half away we brought it back upon the horse, entire, that we might skin it more leisurely at the camp.

She felt quite alone in the world. She managed to get through the day work helped her; but at night she sat disconsolate and bewildered, and she was now beginning to doubt her own theory. For certainly, if all that money had been Joe Wylie's, he would hardly have left the country without it.

Wylie made no answer, but looked into the darkness after the vessel. He had recognized her figure-head. It was the Shannon! BEFORE the Maria sailed again, with the men who formed a part of Wylie's crew, he made them sign a declaration before the English Consul at Buenos Ayres.

Wylie's startled eyes told tales when she saw the three men. Her face was ashen. "I'm here to play trumps, Mrs. Wylie. What secret has the Jack of Hearts got hidden from us?" young Flandrau demanded, his hard eyes fastened to her timorous ones. "I I I don't know what you mean." "No use. We're here for business. Dick, you stay with her. Don't let her leave or shout a warning."

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