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During the reading of this the Friends had laughed a good deal, and they were unanimously of opinion that, though there was not a great deal in the plot, yet that the details were so humorous and droll that, as a whole, the tale was a success. "As to the plot," Vincenz said, "there is rather a curious circumstance connected with that.

After her arrival, Kietz and Anders turned up regularly for dinner, and a young Pole, the son of my old and beloved friend, Count Vincenz Tyszkiewicz, also came to see us very often.

Capuzzi's broken leg, for instance, and its consequences, his mysterious serenade " "Which," interrupted Vincenz, "has all the more of the real Spanish, or the true Italian smack about it, just because it ends with a tremendous cudgelling.

"It is strange enough," said Vincenz, "that, without being in the smallest degree aware of it, you have spoken what may be called a Goldsmith's prologue to my story.

I felt more particularly attracted by Count Vincenz Tyszkiewitcz, a man of exceptionally powerful physique and noble appearance, who impressed me by his dignified and aristocratic manner and his quiet self-reliance qualities with which I had not met before.

"Verily," said Theodore, laughing, "to stumble upon Mademoiselle Scuderi in the 'Nuernberg Chronicle' requires an author's lucky hand, such as Sylvester is specially gifted with. In fact, he shines on us to-night in his double capacity of playwright and story-teller, like the constellation of the Dioscuri." "That is just where he seems to me so vain," said Vincenz.

"The truth is," said Lothair, "that you, my very fine fellow and at the same time my very lazy-as-to-writing fellow have never yet paid your entrance-money into the Serapion Guild, and the only mode of payment is a Serapiontic story." "Hush!" cried Vincenz.

"Strictly speaking," said Vincenz, "it is a breach of all Serapiontic rule to keep chattering in this sort of style; and not only that, but, moreover, without any especial motive or inducement, the most unseemly things about gruesome vampires, and other such matters, are brought forward, so that I am obliged to shut my mouth just as I have got it opened. But go on, my Ottmar.

And that last word is just as hard to speak as the first." Vincenz read It was a blessed year. In the fields the corn, the wheat, and the barley grew most gloriously. The boys waded in the grass, and the cattle in the clover.

Ottmar will be the lover, and Lothair had better be the comic old man, and come in, raging and swearing in rapid notes." "But the words, the words," said Ottmar. "Sing whatever you please," said Theodore; "Oh Dio! Addio! Lasciami mia Vita." "No, no," cried Vincenz.