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Peter's in Vaticano cherub, and his affectionate clutch at the hair and features of visitors became the talk of West Kensington. They had an invalid's chair to carry him up and down to his nursery, and his special nurse, a muscular young person just out of training, used to take him for his airings in a Panhard 8 h.p. hill-climbing perambulator specially made to meet his requirement?

"'Deed, Sawners Gilhaize, we could look for nae better; prelacy is but the prelude o' papistry; but the papistry o' this prelude is a perilous papistry indeed; for its roots of rankness are in the midden-head of Arminianism, which, in a sense, is a greater Antichrist than Antichrist himself, even where he sits on his throne of thraldom in the Roman vaticano.

"Hoc quodcunque vides hospes quam maxima Roma est, Ante Phrygem Enean collis et herba fuit." Roma domus fiet: Veios migrate, Quirites; Si non et Veios occupat ista domus. Mounts Citorio and Testacio. The Janicula, Mount Vaticano and Mount Mario. After the excursion to the Capitol and the Forum, Corinne and Nelville spent two days in visiting the Seven Hills.

Another deputy, a friend of the Prior at San Beda, to whom I had a letter, was very ill with typhoid fever. I knew not where to turn. I could not knock at the doors of strangers without credentials. Then I remembered that one with whom I had been friends, great friends, when we were both seminarists, had become a great man at the Vaticano.

Peter, as they have heretofore done," that Leo IV, the first pope whom we find engaged in any real work of construction, built a wall round the mound of the Vatican, and Colle Vaticano "little hill," not so high as the seven hills of Rome where against the strong wall of Nero's Circus Constantine had built his great basilica.

Mayhew & Baker. 16mo. pp. 204. 63 cts. Eschatology of the Scripture Doctrines of the Coming of the Lord, the Judgment, and the Resurrection. By Samuel Lee. Boston. J.E. Tilton & Co. 12mo. pp. 267. $1.00. Codex Vaticanus. Novum Testamentum Graece, ex Antiquissimo Codice Vaticano. Edidit Angelus Maius, S.R.E., Card. Ad Fidem Editionis Romanae accuratius impressum. New York.

The king, on his return to Oxford, after the disastrous campaign of 1645, still placed his principal reliance on the mission of Glamorgan; and, to induce the court of Rome to listen to the proposals of that envoy, wrote, with his own hand, the two following letters, of which the originals still exist in the Archivio Vaticano, one to the pope himself, the other to Cardinal Spada, requesting of both to give credit to Glamorgan or his messenger, and engaging the royal word to fulfil whatever should be agreed upon by Glamorgan, in the name of his sovereign: