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"That has been that way since I came up here; that is about thirty-five years. I and others have expressed uneasiness over the position of that rock, but there is no danger. When er soon, I shall have it cleared away." Vasiliewski burst out: "Professor, we're sitting here talking of everything except that which is uppermost in our minds. We are trying to mask our feelings.

The dead stillness of the group, hardly breathing; the mask-like features of Lorenzo Tonti, the suffused features and protuberant eyes of Fletcher, the high cheek bones of Stanislav Vasiliewski, the somber look of former Police Commissioner McGuire, upon whose normally smiling countenance gloom sat so ill.

One of the papers dug up an interesting story about Stanislav Vasiliewski, who was a Confederate soldier and had a brother in the Union army. Stanislav's brother had been captured and held in Jackson, Mississippi, where a rickety old enclosed bridge, the ruins of which had been left standing above the water, was used as a prison.

Vasiliewski, that I took your view of it. Persons are prone to regard me as a thinking machine. I am not. Let us assume, I say, that I took your view of it. Just see what might happen. I might accuse the wrong man. We might even convict the wrong man. The guilty man might then go on, doing incalculable evil. Guessing is dangerous and is fallible.

"Now I am going to run over the names of the men who are on the porch beside us three. Stand by, Mr. Hale!" With a faint twinkle, he rattled off the following: "Vasiliewski, Rochambeau, LaRoque, Goldberg, Tonti, Ross, Thomas, Fletcher. And" There was a pause, a break. The twinkle in the fine eyes was gone. The features of the three turned grave.

"And Schurman, Professor?" Jimmy almost jumped, as did some of the others on this breaking in of his thoughts. They also were evidently immersed in their own thoughts. It was Goldberg and Vasiliewski, who, as if actuated by a single impulse, had broken the silence. "Schurman," answered Professor Brierly slowly, "was murdered; there is no question about that." Something clicked in Jimmy's mind.

"Very well, then, about this number '14. Is that real or is it mythical?" Justice Higginbotham answered slowly. "At one time, Professor, it was real enough, but," turning to Marshall, "When did we last hear of " Marshall answered promptly: "We have not heard of Amos Brown alive, since 1902." "But," spoke up Stanislav Vasiliewski, quietly, "have we proof of his death?"

I wish I could say something more definite." "My God, Professor, do you mean to say that you suspect " Professor Brierly shook his head regretfully and was about to speak when Vasiliewski impulsively interrupted. "But can't you see, Professor, that this is not a cold scientific problem, that our lives are at stake. This is a human problem, Professor." "Assuming, Mr.