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Tulpius and Scultetus are among the older writers reporting somewhat similar instances, and there are several analogous cases reported as having occurred during the War of the Rebellion. Boling reports a case in which the internal table was splintered to a much greater extent than the external.

From the time of Tyson and Tulpius downwards, the habits of the young CHIMPANZEE in a state of captivity have been abundantly reported and commented upon. But trustworthy evidence as to the manners and customs of adult anthropoids of this species, in their native woods, was almost wanting up to the time of the publication of the paper by Dr.

The perverted appetites and peculiar longings of pregnant women furnish curious matter for discussion. From the earliest times there are many such records. Borellus cites an instance, and there are many others, of pregnant women eating excrement with apparent relish. Tulpius, Sennert, Langius, van Swieten, a Castro, and several others report depraved appetites.

The attack must have been a severe one, as it is stated subsequently that the hiccough did not disappear until Aristophanes had excited the sneezing. Among the older medical writers Weber speaks of singultus lasting for five days; Tulpius, for twelve days; Eller and Schenck, for three months; Taranget, for eight months; and Bartholinus, for four years.

He gives a very good figure, evidently from the life, of the specimen of this animal, "nostra memoria ex Angola delatum," presented to Frederick Henry Prince of Orange. Tulpius says it was as big as a child of three years old, and as stout as one of six years: and that its back was covered with black hair. It is plainly a young Chimpanzee.

Aurran, Bartholinus, Louis, Parsons, Tulpius, and others mention speech without the presence of a tongue. Philib reports a case in which mutism, almost simulating that of one congenitally deaf, was due to congenital adhesions of the tongue to the floor of the buccal cavity. Speech was established after removal of the abnormal adhesion.

The old Amsterdam authority, Tulpius, has recorded a case in which a piece of lung of about three fingers' breadth protruded through a large wound of the lung under the left nipple. This wound received no medical attention for forty-eight hours, when the protruding portion of lung was thought to be dead, and was ligated and cut off; it weighed about three ounces.

Albucasius, Fabricius Hildanus, Pare, and others, have mentioned the fact that seeds and beans have been frequently seen to increase in volume while lodged in the auditory canal. Tulpius speaks of an infant, playing with his comrades, who put a cherry-seed in his ear which he was not able to extract.

Garengeot, Wirth, Fine, and Evers, all mention perforating wounds of the trachea and esophagus with recoveries. Van Swieten and Hiester mention cases in which part of the trachea was carried away by a ball, with recovery. Monro, Tulpius, Bartholinus, and Pare report severance of the trachea with the absence of oral breathing, in which the divided portions were sutured, with successful results.

In the third book of Tulpius' 'Observationes Medicae', published in 1641, the 56th chapter or section is devoted to what he calls 'Satyrus indicus', "called by the Indians Orang-autang or Man-of-the-Woods, and by the Africans Quoias Morrou."