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Christopher North has perhaps conveyed to foreign, and untravelled English, readers as true a conception of our Lake scenery and its influences in one way as Wordsworth in another. The very spirit of the moorland, lake, brook, tarn, ghyll, and ridge breathes from his prose poetry: and well it might. He wandered alone for a week together beside the trout-streams and among the highest tarns.

A ridge of hills covered with tall hemlocks surrounds the vale, and numerous trout-streams wind through the meadows and tumble over the rocks. Stray farms are scattered through the valley, and the few old Dutchmen and their families who till the soil were born upon it; there and only there they have ever lived. The valley harmonised with me and our resources.

Along trout-streams with overhanging or shelving ledges the fisherman often sees the nest of the phœbe-bird, which does not cease to please for the hundredth time, because of its fitness and exquisite artistry. On the newly sawn timbers of your porch or woodshed it is far less pleasing, because the bird's art, born of rocky ledges, only serves in the new environment to make its nest conspicuous.

The memory of that untraceable echo was added to her other impressions of a furtive sinister "something" that hung around Yessney. Of Mortimer she saw very little; farm and woods and trout-streams seemed to swallow him up from dawn till dusk.

He put both bag and beans into his own pocket to carry home, bidding Dick tell Mr. Wilson that he had planted the beans and lost the bag. In the meantime Giles's other boys were busy in emptying the ponds and trout-streams in the neighboring manor. They would steal away the carp and tench when they were no bigger than gudgeons.

It reminded me of the old wastefulness in the North, the exhaustive fishing of the rivers and streams, especially the trout-streams; the killing of deer by hundreds; and the wanton extermination of the buffalo.

When I have done my breakfast," said the Traveller, "I'll go there. I came over here this morning, to find it out and see it." "Many does," observed the Landlord. The conversation passed, in the Midsummer weather of no remote year of grace, down among the pleasant dales and trout-streams of a green English county. No matter what county. Mr.

Meynell looked at them absently. "That's one of the most famous trout-streams in the Midlands. There should be a capital rise to-night. If that man has the sense to put on a sedge-fly, he'll get a creel-full." "And what is that house among the trees?" asked his companion presently, pointing to a gray pile of building about a quarter of a mile away, on the other side of the stream.

It was a beautiful spot, the clear, cool, murmuring river, with its rapids and shallows, forcibly reminding me of trout-streams in the highlands of Scotland.

When I saw them getting into the train, and knew that in a few days they would be with you, I wanted very much to accompany them. But mother says one noisy boy in the house is sufficient. I have been pent up in the city now almost six months, and I am impatient to get into the country again especially among the trout-streams about your quiet little village.