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The fiddler twisted and turned, but his head went like a triphammer on the seat. I have never seen a devotional attitude so deceptive, or one that produced less favorable results. The young man rose from his knees, and meekly said, "It's dam hard." If the recording angel took down this observation, he doubtless made a note of the injured tone in which it was uttered.

He was not remarkable to the vision scarcely more than five feet four; with an eye like a gimlet, red hair tied in a queue, a big mouth, and a chest thrown out like the breast of a partridge as fine a figure of a man in miniature as you should see. When intoxicated, his tongue rapped out fun and fury like a triphammer.

Without making a sound he placed the inverted bucket on the floor and listened. He put one foot on it and listened again. Then he stood upon it, his heart pounding like a triphammer. Not a sound. Probably the tired occupant of the room was fast asleep sleeping the peaceful sleep of the innocent.

Then having carefully taken his bearings and fixed upon the direction of the American lines, he yawned, stretched and rising slowly to his feet strolled carelessly toward the outskirts of the camp. Frank's heart was beating like a triphammer and his nerves were at a fearful tension. The next five minutes would probably determine whether he was to live or die.

He was not remarkable to the vision scarcely more than five feet four; with an eye like a gimlet, red hair tied in a queue, a big mouth, and a chest thrown out like the breast of a partridge as fine a figure of a man in miniature as you should see. When intoxicated, his tongue rapped out fun and fury like a triphammer.

"First I thought it was the triphammer," said Archer; "then I thought it was the mixing valve; then I thought it was bronchitis on account of the noise it made, and after that I decided it was German measles. Blamed if I know what's the matter with it. It's got the pip, I guess. I was going to file a nick in the make-and-break business but they're too foxy to give me a file.

"See, if you don't, I shall cry." Which was the truth as the tears were beginning to come in Polly's brown eyes. Seeing this, Phronsie yielded, and pattered along by Polly's side obediently, and allowed her little face to be scrubbed and wiped quite dry, Polly's heart all the while going like a triphammer, and her ears pricked up for any word that might tell her of Joel.

Her heart was beating like a triphammer. She did not say, "Oh," or, "You mustn't," but rose and walked over to a window, where she lifted a curtain, pretending to look out. She felt as though she might faint, so intensely happy was she. Cowperwood followed her quickly. Slipping his arms about her waist, he looked at her flushed cheeks, her clear, moist eyes and red mouth.

The fiddler twisted and turned, but his head went like a triphammer on the seat. I have never seen a devotional attitude so deceptive, or one that produced less favorable results. The young man rose from his knees, and meekly said, "It's dam hard." If the recording angel took down this observation, he doubtless made a note of the injured tone in which it was uttered.

On the way he stopped a red-jacketed soldier who was patrolling the dock. After a word or two had been exchanged the soldier fell in beside them, and just as they reached the inn door two more hurried up. "Come in with me, Jeremy, and point out the man," said Captain Ghent. The lad's heart beat like a triphammer as he entered the tavern once more.