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"Because I say it I, who said that Chamu would repay his son's loan, I, who knew from the first all about the title-deed, I, who know where it is this minute, I, who know the secrets of Jinendra's priest, I, whose name stands written on the hundred-rupee note with which the butler paid his son's debt!" "The princess! The Princess Yasmini! It was her name on the note!" "Her name is mine!"

For answer to that she stood on tiptoe and blew the lamp out. He would have slammed the door, but her foot was in the way. Now, what does the car say? Does the voice tell nothing?" "Aye, it is the same." "You shall have that title-deed tomorrow at dawn on certain terms." "How do I know?

All about her was the ever recurring wealth and cheer of nature that knows no favor, the bees and flies buzzing in the sun, the jay and the kingbird in the poplars, the smell of strawberries, the motion of lush grass, the shimmer of corn-blades tossed gayly as banners in a conquering army. Like a flash of keener light, a sentence shot across the girl's mind: "Nature knows no title-deed.

They fought with the Celtic princes, and then married with their daughters; got to themselves lands "by the title-deed of the sword"; and so became the famous "Freskin the Fleming" especially the ancestors of the finest aristocracy, both physically and intellectually, in the world.

If it is to be scientific, it must begin by approaching Nature at once with a cheerful and reverent spirit, as a noble, healthy, and trustworthy thing: and what is that, save the spirit of those who wrote the 104th, 147th, and 148th Psalms the spirit, too, of him who wrote that Song of the Three Children, which is, as it were, the flower and crown of the Old Testament, the summing up of all that is most true and eternal in the old Jewish faith; and which, as long as it is sung in our churches, is the charter and title-deed of all Christian students of those works of the Lord, which it calls on to bless Him, praise Him, and magnify Him for ever?

To say that he performed his great work well, would be doing him injustice. To say that he did it excellently well, admirably well, would be inadequate and halting praise. Let us rather say that he so discharged the duty assigned him, that all Americans may well rejoice that the work of drawing the title-deed of their liberties devolved on his hands.

Then this barbarian would end by saying, what the old men in the village say, that the ground occupied by the lake was appropriated by the Abbe de Watteville. That would be the end of les Rouxey; what next?" "Indeed, my child, between ourselves, it is the truth," said Monsieur de Watteville simply. "The land is an usurpation, with no title-deed but lapse of time.

And the second title-deed is Christ's purchase; for the efficacy of His death and the power of His triumphant life have secured for all who trust Him the whole fulness of this divine gift. And the third of our claims and titles is the influence of that Holy Spirit whom Jesus Christ gives to every one of His children to dwell in him.

And now it was, that in order to keep up their spirits, after they had lost their estate through the folly of their ancestors, that he began to give them a part of their former title-deed. He continued to send them portions of it from time to time by different faithful servants, whom, however, these ungrateful people generally used ill, and some of whom they murdered.

"In truth," said the orator, "you do wrong to your liberty by calling it so often in doubt, and in claiming with so much contentious anxiety from your enemies a title-deed for your independence. You hold it by your own public decree. In virtue of that decree, confirmed by the success of your arms, you have enjoyed it long.