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But that modest embodiment of shy and quiet commonsense! She, who once had scorned the world of The Daily Picture, was more and more disclosing a desire for that world. And where now were her doubts about the righteousness of Charlie's glittering deeds? And where was the ancient sagacity which surely should have prevented her from being deceived by the superficialities of an Oswald Morfey?

Rupert had a great deal of humour, and a very dry way of exhibiting it; in short, he was almost a genius in the mere superficialities of life; and even Grace rewarded his efforts to entertain us, with laughter to tears.

Amidst the affectations, insincerities, and superficialities of Chopin's social intercourse, Delacroix's friendship we have already seen that the musician reciprocated the painter's sentiments stands out like a green oasis in a barren desert.

He saw the Jewish youth fleeing from its people and forgetting its national language. He saw Reform Judaism of Western Europe which had retained nothing of Jewish culture except the modernized superficialities of the synagogue.

Ryder, as we know, was the typical recluse, Fuller in all likelihood also. Martin I know little of privately, but his portrait shows him to be a strong elemental nature, with little feeling for, or interest in, the superficialities either of life or of art.

Superficially, training is everything. The heaven-born genius comes once in a century of decades to remind us, as it were, that there is such a thing as creation; but beyond the heaven-born genius, training, on a day of superficialities, must win. This moment, when Sally stood but a few paces within Traill's room, and looked half-appealing, half-guardedly at Mrs.

It is evident that the young Prince Siddhartha was subject to meditation and that these meditations led at times to complete trance. The sorrows of humanity weighed heavily upon his heart, and the superficialities of the wealthy and ostentatious court in which he lived, irked his outspoken and truth-loving spirit.

For instance, if we wish to understand our own lives, do not let us dwell upon the superficialities of joy or sorrow, gain or loss, but let us get down to the depth, and see that all these externals have two great purposes in view first, that we may be made like our Lord, as the Scripture itself says, 'That we may be partakers of His holiness, and then that we may bear our testimony to His grace and love.

Carrie was thoroughly impressed. She had never come in contact with such grace. As for Drouet, he was equally pleased. "There's a nice man," he remarked to Carrie, as they returned to their cosey chamber. "A good friend of mine, too." "He seems to be," said Carrie. Carrie was an apt student of fortune's ways of fortune's superficialities.

It took only five minutes for Edison to get the "job," for Superintendent Milliken, a fine type of telegraph official, saw quickly through the superficialities, and realized that it was no ordinary young operator he was engaging. Edison himself tells the story of what happened. "The manager asked me when I was ready to go to work.