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Updated: August 16, 2024

We shall, however, find them in some variety in a series of little monuments that deserve, perhaps, more attention than they have yet received we mean altars, steles, and those objects to which the name of obelisks has, with some inaccuracy, been given.

The burials of the domestics must therefore have taken place all at once, immediately after the king's tomb was built, and hence they must have been sacrificed at the funeral. The pottery placed in the chambers is all figured in position on the plan. Only three steles were found in the grave of Qa, but these were larger than those of the earlier graves.

Among them may be distinguished the wide flights of steps and inclined planes by which the platform on which the temple stood was reached. At the foot of the temple on the right of the engraving there is a palace, on the left two obelisk-shaped steles and a small temple of a type to be presently described. Behind the tower stretch away the waters of a lake.

Townshend' in his English Malady, London, 1733. Such records as these may be contrasted with certain others that have come down from Greek antiquity. We may instance two steles discovered at Epidaurus in 1885, bearing accounts of forty-four temple cures. The following two are fair samples of the cures there described: 'Aristagora of Troizen.

The various kinds of steles are also very interesting. The shaft is composed of a series of perpendicular bands alternately flat and concave, exactly similar to the flutes of the Ionic order. The summit is crowned by a plume of palm leaves rising from a double scroll, like two consoles placed horizontally and head to head.

They were near the house of Thais, and could see, above the wall, the tops of the sycamore and fir trees, which surrounded the Grotto of Nymphs, tremble in the morning breeze. In front of them was a public square, deserted, and surrounded with steles and votive statues, and having at each end a semicircular marble seat, supported by figures of monsters. Thais fell on one of these seats.

Two of these were made for Assurnazirpal; the third, the most ancient of all, dates from the time of Tiglath Pileser I.; unhappily only fragments of it remain. See also BOTTA, Monument de Ninive, vol. i. plate 64. We here find an instance of one of these arched steles erected before a fortress. Decoration.

Probably the pair of obelisks of the tomb of Antef V., at Thebes, were a later form of this system. Around the royal tomb stood the little private steles of the domestics, placed in rows, thus forming an enclosure about the king. Some of Professor Petrie's most interesting work at Abydos was commenced in November, 1902.

There were also two steles at the grave of Qa. So far only one stele had been found of Zet, and one of Mersekha, and none appear to have survived of Zer, Den, or Azab. These steles seem to have been placed at the east side of the tombs, and on the ground level, and such of them as happened to fall down upon their inscribed faces have generally been found in an excellent state of preservation.

Seven steles were found, the inscriptions of which are marked in the chambers of the plan; and other steles were also found here, scattered so that they could not be identified with the tombs. The most interesting are two steles of dwarfs, which show the dwarf type clearly; with one were found bones of a dwarf.

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