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Ward, mustn't interfere with it; they mustn't make us unkind to her soul by slightin' her best good." "No," John said, still absently, and scarcely listening to his elder, "no, of course not. But have you seen her, and talked with her, and tried to lead her to the truth? That should be done with the tenderest patience before anything so extreme as Sessioning."

And I should have taken solid comfort watchin' the endless procession of men and women and vehicles of all sorts and descriptions, but Josiah made so many slightin' remarks on the dress of the females passin' below on the sidewalk, that it made me feel bad.

And I anon a-answerin' his sneerin' words, and the onspoken but fatigued appeals in Miss Plank's eyes, by sayin' "Do you suppose I would hurt the feelin's of my sect, do you suppose I would mortify 'em before the assembled nations of the earth, by slightin' 'em, by not payin' attention to 'em, and makin' 'em the first and prime object of my distinguished and honorable consideration?

There wuz ancient stun architecture, and modern wood rustic work, and I sez to Josiah, "They believe in not slightin' any of the centuries; they've got some of most every kind of architecture from Queen Mary down to Taft." And he sez, "It is a crackin' good plan too; amongst all on 'em they're sure to git some of the best."

I wouldn't want to be the one that said that he had demeaned himself to that extent. Wall, he wouldn't give a cent, and Peedick wouldn't give, and Deacon Henzy and Deacon Sypher wouldn't. They said that there wuz certain members of the meetin' house that had said to certain people suthin' slightin' about buzz saws.

The house where she once lived wuz a not over big house of brick, no bigger nor better than Bildad Henzy's over in Zoar, and looked some like it. Josiah said it wuz so silly to poke clear over to Italy to see this little narrer house when we could see better ones to home any day. Miss Meechim said that it didn't look so genteel as she expected, and Arvilly made a slightin' remark about it.

"I've two hundred poun' an' six shillin' in my pocket an' a lot more hid in the bush. It's all yourn to the last round penny. I reckon it'll purty nigh bridge the slough. I want ye to be married respectable like a gentleman slick duds, plenty o' cakes an' pies an' no slightin' the minister er the rum bar'l. "Major Washington give me a letter to take to Ben Franklin on t'other side o' the ocean.