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Updated: August 27, 2024

'Why can't yees touch up the staammau, and make him hop owver them shtones? asked Mickey, turning toward the boy, whom, it was noted, appeared to be in deep reverie again. Not until he was addressed several times did he look up. Then he merely shook his head, to signify that the thing was impossible.

In th' plays nowadays th' hero is more iv a villain thin th' villain himsilf. He's th' sort iv a man that we used to heave pavin' shtones at whin he come out iv th' stage dure iv th' Halsted Sthreet Opry House. To be a hero ye've first got to be an Englishman, an' as if that wasn't bad enough ye've got to have committed as many crimes as th' late H. H. Holmes.

Dousterswivel, in Westphalia, to make use of this elegant candelabrum?" "Alwaysh, Mr. Oldenbuck, when you did not want nobody to talk of nothing you wash doing about And the monksh alwaysh did this when they did hide their church-plates, and their great chalices, and de rings, wid very preshious shtones and jewels."

"It won't hurt you," Fugger said; "you'll simply have to pay less for your stones and sell them cheaper after they are cut. It won't make much difference in the long run." "Von't it, by Joves! Why, man, I've got over a hundred shtones on my hands now. Vat am I going to do vid 'em." "Ah, that's a bad job. You must make up your mind to lose on them." "Von't you buy them yourself, Mr.

Dousterswivel, in Westphalia, to make use of this elegant candelabrum?" "Alwaysh, Mr. Oldenbuck, when you did not want nobody to talk of nothing you wash doing about And the monksh alwaysh did this when they did hide their church-plates, and their great chalices, and de rings, wid very preshious shtones and jewels."

"Old riverzh bwoke wight in two there," said Toddie, "an' a piece of it's way up in the air, an' anuvver piece izh way down in big hole in the shtones. That'sh where I want to go widin'." "Listen, Toddy," said Mrs. Burton. "We like to take you riding with us at most times, but to-day we prefer to go alone. You and Budge will stay at home we shan't be gone more than two hours."

The average Meath horse likes stones just about as much as the average Co. Cork horse enjoys water, and the train of running men and boys were given the exquisite gratification of a contest between Pilot and his rider. "Howld on, miss, till I knock a few shtones for ye!" volunteered one, trying to interpose between Pilot and the wall. "Get out of the way!" was Mrs.

It's me hand that's yet onaisy wid brick-makin' and sthrange to the shtones. An ye'll wait till to-morror?" Unfortunately I did not wait.

"Behould our counthry eshtate!" said Sergeant Slavin grandiloquently, with an airy wave of his arm, "beyant that big pile av shtones on th' road-allowance." He chirped to his team which broke into an even, fast trot, and presently they drew up outside a building typical in its outside appearance of the usual range Mounted Police detachment.

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