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Jinks here, directly! Instantly. 'Yes, your Worship. Muzzle retired; and a pale, sharp-nosed, half-fed, shabbily-clad clerk, of middle age, entered the room. 'Mr. Jinks, said the magistrate. 'Mr. Jinks. 'Sir, said Mr. Jinks. 'This lady, Mr. Jinks, has come here, to give information of an intended duel in this town. Mr. Jinks, not knowing exactly what to do, smiled a dependent's smile.

It was a mouse a soft, brown, bright-eyed little mouse, not as large as his thumb. It was not like the mice Jim had been accustomed to see in the North woods, the larger, sharp-nosed, rat-like creatures which sprung his traps now and then, and he gave a sort of gasp through his beard.

He had never liked Brauer and he did not find this sharp-nosed inquisitiveness to his taste. He began to wonder why he had come with him. Lunching with Brauer had never been a habit. Occasionally, quite by accident, they managed to achieve the same restaurant and the same table, but it was not a matter of prearrangement.

Great, gray plains closed in upon him dear, familial plains, scarred and broken with sharp-nosed hills and deep, water-worn coulees gleaming barren and yellow in the sun. The blue, blue sky was bending down to meet the hills, with feathery, white clouds trailing lazily across. His cheeks felt the cool winds which flapped his hat-brim and tingled his blood.

The old woman's face was visible from beneath them: a yellow, wrinkled, sharp-nosed, toothless face. I stepped up to her.... She halted. "Who art thou? What dost thou want? Art thou a beggar? Dost thou expect alms?" The old woman made no answer.

Here the boy had displayed before him an array of photographs from which he had not the slightest trouble in picking that of the man with the scar; but his sharp-nosed companion he was unable to identify. "I thought I'd recognize him anywhere," lamented Christopher. "His hair was so black and thick that " At the words, the inspector jumped a little. "Ha!" exclaimed he. "Tony wore a wig, did he?"

I looked round, and saw a little, bent old woman, all muffled up in grey rags. The face of the old woman alone peeped out from them; a yellow, wrinkled, sharp-nosed, toothless face. I went up to her.... She stopped. 'Who are you? What do you want? Are you a beggar? Do you seek alms? The old woman did not answer.

But I should finish it, if I were you. If you had the courage to paint in the right sort of face the girl, you know." "What sort of face, then?" "Sharp-nosed, thin-lipped, rather anaemic, with a universe of self-conceit in the eye." "They wouldn't hang it, and nobody would buy it. Besides, Warburton, you're wrong if you think the slummers are always that sort.

"One thing more," he said, as Tito was hastening away. "There is that sharp-nosed notary, Ser Ceccone; he has been handy of late. Tell me, you who can see a man wink when you're behind him, do you think I may go on making use of him?" Tito dared not say "No."

Boreall, a sharp-nosed and conceited-looking man, who, having got among a set whom he did not the least understand, was determined to take up Dr. Sly's quarrel, merely for the sake of conversation.