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Addison and Roscoe, who were the executors and principal beneficiaries under the former will of November, 1885, demanding that the Court should order the plaintiff to file a further and better affidavit of scripts, with the original will got up by him attached, the object, of course, being to compel an inspection of the document.

Why was Fox a patriot, and he a traitor? Let her answer that! And all the time, Elizabeth's light touch upon his will was like the curb on a stubborn horse. Once as he passed her table angry curiosity took him to look at some finished work that was lying there. Perfection! Intelligence, accuracy, the clearest of scripts! All his hints taken and bettered in the taking.

Among the formulae in the scripts which were Josian's dowry were several for stained glass and the making of colors to be used therein. By means of one of these it became possible to make glass of wonderful rich hues, through which the light came white, as if no glass were there.

According to Dr. Evans, whose 'Scripta Minoa' sums up all that is at present known of these enigmatic Cretan writings, Class B is not a mere outgrowth of Class A. The scripts are certainly allied, and there are indications that B is the more highly developed of the two, having a smaller selection of characters and a less complicated system of compound signs; but at the same time several of the signs found in B do not occur in A at all, and some of those which belong to both scripts are found in a more primitive form in B. The language expressed in both scripts must, however, have been essentially the same.

"But how can you annex Miss Smithers to a 'grant of letters of administration, whatever that may mean?" said Eustace, feebly. "That reminds me," said James, disregarding the question and addressing his brother, "you must at once file Miss Smithers in the registry, and see to the preparation of the usual affidavit of scripts."

Manuscripts are precious, for our brothers in the Home of the Clerks spend one year to copy one single script in their clear handwriting. Manuscripts are rare and they are kept in the Home of the Scholars. So we sit under the earth and we read the stolen scripts. Two years have passed since we found this place.

They depart madly from their scripts to try to say something startling enough to justify all the attention they're getting. The broadcast ended with a sentimental live commercial in which a dazzlingly beautiful girl melted into the arms of the worthy young man she had previously scorned.

"This is a gay life!" he broke out; "just the life I have come down here to lead. You're making yourself miserable, and you're making me miserable. It's got to end." Cope gave him a second woeful glance. "Write to her, breaking it off," prompted Lemoyne. "Draft a letter tonight." His mind was full of cliches from his reading and his "scripts."

Kennedy and I exclaimed, simultaneously. "Why, yes! Millard is still under contract and he's the only man who ever could write scripts for Stella. We we tried others and they all flivved." "Is Millard here?" Manton burst into laughter, somehow out of place in the room where we still were in the company of death.

Events inscribed it; but these writings were in two scripts, rendered in the two natures that were hers, and, as it were, a balance was maintained between them; there remained constant the aspect that her face presented to the world; constant, that is to say, the spirit that looked out of her face.