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No Christian can accept his view of a universal savage state of society after the Flood; and his explanation of the origin of aristocratic races, and of the plebeians, their slaves, is purely the work of imagination, however well read in classic lore may have been the author of "Scienza Nuova."

Herder's "Ideas" were translated by Edgar Quinet, Lessing's Education by Eugene Rodrigues. Cousin sat at the feet of Hegel. At the same time a new master, full of suggestiveness for those who were interested in the philosophy of history, was discovered in Italy. The "Scienza nuova" of Vico was translated by Michelet. The book of Vico was now a hundred years old.

The "Scienza Nuova" is one of the great monuments of human genius, and it has inspired many works on the philosophy of history, especially among the Germans, such as those of Hegel, Niebuhr, and others. Having attacked with much violence the encroachments of the Church of Rome on the rights of the state, he became the victim of a persecution which ended in his death in the fortress of Turin.

Nouvelles études de Mythologie, p. 51. Vignoli, Mito e Scienza, p. 27. Marillier, Preface to the French translation of Andrew Lang's Myth, Ritual, and Religion. On this point consult a work very rich in information, W. Crooke's book, Popular Religion and Folk-lore of Northern India, 1897. "The Indian traversing the Montaña never feels himself alone. Legions of beings accompany him.

The Second should have been the Song of Death, the music of the knowledge of death. The Third was conceived as a Song of the Great Pan his "gaya scienza," Mahler would have liked to call it.

From the numerous misunderstandings of the Roman historians respecting the laws and constitutional history of their country, the subject continued long in a state of confusion, until Vico, in his "Scienza nuova," dispelled the clouds of error, and reduced it to a system; and he was followed so successfully by Niebuhr, that modern students can have a more comprehensive and antiquarian knowledge of the subject than the writers of the Augustan age.

"Why admit," objected Bouvard, "that fables are more true than the truths of historians?" Pécuchet tried to explain myths, and got lost in the Scienza Nuova. "Will you deny the design of Providence?" "I don't know it!" said Bouvard. And they decided to refer to Dumouchel. The professor confessed that he was now at sea on the subject of history. "It is changing every day.

Grandcourt gave her one of his narrow examining glances, and then said, "If you like, we can go to Spezia in the morning, and let them take us up there." "No; I shall like nothing better than this." "Very well: we'll do the same to-morrow. But we must be turning in soon. I shall put about." "Ritorna a tua scienza Che vuoi, quanto la cosa e più perfetta Più senta if bene, e cosi la doglienza."

The valses are the most objective of the Chopin works, and in few of them is there more than a hint of the sullen, Sargasson seas of the nocturnes and scherzi. Nietzsche's la Gaya Scienza the Gay Science is beautifully set forth in the fifteen Chopin valses. They are less intimate, in the psychic sense, but exquisite exemplars of social intimacy and aristocratic abandon.

In addition to the work which caused him so great misfortunes he published Discorso e Demonstr. interna alle due nuove Scienze, Delia Scienza Meccanica , Tractato della Sfera ; and the telescope, the isochronism of the vibrations of the pendulum, the hydrostatic balance, the thermometer, were all invented by this great leader of astronomical and scientific discoverers.