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"We want another one only one more," said Eliot, as he found a bat and turned toward the plate. Without seeking to "kill" Sanger's speed, Roger did his best to poke out a safety, and would have succeeded only for a surprising one-handed stop by Roberts, who got the ball to first for an unquestioned put-out. "It's only a matter of an extra inning," cried Copley.

"What nonsense!" cried her sister "here have I been racking around for hours just to fix a way of getting you to the show, and now you say you don't care about it." "Well, I don't." "Then you should ought to. I never saw such airs as you give yourself. Not care about Sanger's World Wide Show!

This is probably a high proportion, as Liverpool is a busy seaport, but it is less than Sänger's estimate of 18 per cent. E.H. Grandin, Medical Record, May 26, 1906. E.W. Cushing, "Sociological Aspects of Gonorrhoea," Transactions American Gynecological Society, vol. xxii, 1897.

An admirer who sighed hopelessly after you all your life was still to Ellen the summit of desire. It was fortunate that she could despise Alce so thoroughly in his person, or else she might have found herself jealous of her sister. They arrived at Sanger's in good time for the afternoon performance, and their seats were the best in the tent.

In view of these economic horrors, is it to be wondered at that prostitution and the white slave trade have become such dominant factors? Our present-day reformers would do well to look into Dr. Sanger's book. There they will find that out of 2,000 cases under his observation, but few came from the middle classes, from well-ordered conditions, or pleasant homes.

"You can put on your best gown, Ellen the blue one Miss Godfrey made you. You've never been to Lord John Sanger's before, have you? I'd like to go myself, but Wednesday's the day for Romney, and I just about can't miss this market. I hear they're sending up some heifers from Orgarswick, and there'll be sharp bidding.... I envy you going to a wild beast show.

A large boat of native build, painted and gilded till one could scarcely look on it, and rowed by fourteen French seamen standing, clothed in spotless white, with broad crimson sashes around their waists. This equipage had such a holiday look about it, that one of our fellows irreverently asked if "Sanger's circus was coming!" Only a day at Saigon, and off again.

Having seen that look of rage in the Texan's eyes, Newt Copley was not at all disposed to repeat the trick with him. Apparently Grant's nerves had been somewhat unstrung, for when the game was again resumed he missed one of Sanger's shoots by something like a foot, and the second strike was called by the umpire. Then Rod smiled; it was barely a faint flicker, but Sanger saw it and wondered.

Major Sanger's intelligence, quick perception, and rapid execution, were of very great value to me, especially in bringing into line the batteries that cooperated so efficiently in our movements. Captains McCoy and Dayton, aides-de-camp, were with me all the time, carrying orders, and acting with coolness, spirit, and courage. To Surgeon Hartshorne and Dr.

These had tracked their man back to Tom Sanger's house, and at first they were incredulous that Jenny and her uncle had not seen him.