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La Romette was to the "purchasers of wardrobes" what these women are to the better class of so-called ladies in difficulties Madame la Ressource, that is to say, money-lenders at a hundred per cent. "Now, child," said Asie, "I have got to be figged out. I must be a Baroness of the Faubourg Saint-Germain at the very least. And sharp's the word, for my feet are in hot oil.

If there had been any one to witness the scene, he would have understood that the woman known as Asie was at home here. "I have had some diamonds offered me," said la Romette as she dressed Asie's head. "Stolen?" "I should think so." "Well, then, however cheap they may be, we must do without 'em. We must fight shy of the beak for a long time to come."

"You aunt is a wardrobe dealer at the Temple; her business is managed by a demoiselle Paccard, the sister of a convict herself a very good girl, known as la Romette. Justice is on the traces of your aunt, and in a few hours we shall have decisive evidence. The woman is wholly devoted to you " "Pray go on, Monsieur le Juge," said Collin coolly, in answer to a pause; "I am listening to you."

"The seven hundred and thirty thousand francs," said Jacqueline Collin to her nephew, "are quite safe; I gave them to la Romette this morning in a sealed packet." "If you had not handed them over to Jacqueline," said Trompe-la-Mort, "you would have gone straight there," and he pointed to the Place de Greve, which they were just passing.

The two prisoners had hardly been locked up when she was dressing herself in a low, damp entresol over one of those foul shops where remnants are sold, pieces stolen by tailors and dressmakers an establishment kept by an old maid known as La Romette, from her Christian name Jeromette.

The profession a man follows in the eyes of the world is a mere sham; the reality is in the idea!" he added, striking his forehead. "How much have we left in the cash-box?" he asked. "Nothing," said his aunt, dismayed by the man's tone and manner. "I gave you all I had for the boy. La Romette has not more than twenty thousand francs left in the business.