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May that light, brighter than Bolognian Phosphorus, Preserve him from the Athanor, Empyreuma, and Reverberatory Furnace of the other world, Depurate him from the Fæces and Scoria of this, Highly Rectify and Volatilize, his æthereal spirit, Bring it over the Helm of the Retort of this Globe, place in a proper Recipient or Crystalline orb, Among the elect of the Flowers of Benjamin; never to be saturated till the General Resuscitation, Deflagration, Calcination, and Sublimation of all things.

Trans. vol. xliv. 305. Reverberatory, so called because the flame or current of heated gases from the fuel is caused to be reverberated or reflected down upon the substance under operation before passing into the chimney.

We happened to visit the melting-house one evening, while silver and lead were being separated by oxidizing the lead in a reverberatory furnace. Here we noticed a curious effect. The melted litharge ran from the mouth of the furnace upon a floor of damp sand, and spread over it in a sheet.

Two of the foremen, named Cranege, suggested to Mr. Reynolds that this might be performed in what is called a reverberatory furnace, in which the iron should not mix with the coal, but be heated solely by the flame. Mr.

The concentrates are calcined in a common reverberatory furnace, and afterwards amalgamated with mercury in a special pan, the results as to the proportion of gold extracted being very satisfactory; but it does not therefore follow that this process would be the most suitable in another mine where the lode stuff, though in some respects similar, yet had points of difference.

By this system, and with gaseous fuel firing, a very considerable economy in fuel and in repairs to furnace, and a superior roasting effect, have been obtained. Where the ordinary reverberatory hearth is fired with solid coal from an end grate, the temperature is at its maximum near the firing end, and tails off at the extreme gas outlet end.

Before we describe these applications, we will give the processes used in making soluble glass. The following ingredients are heated in a reverberatory furnace until fusion becomes quieted: 1,260 pounds white sand, 660 pounds potash of 78°. This will produce 1,690 pounds of transparent, homogeneous glass, with a slight tinge of amber. This glass is but little soluble in hot water.

In order to expose the upper surface of the ore to contact with air the material is turned over by manual labour. This furnace of the reverberatory type is provided with side openings by which the turning over of the ore can be manually effected, and the new ore can be charged and afterwards withdrawn. Second or B Process.

Heath patented the process in 1845; and a quantity of cast-steel was actually prepared in this way, on the bed of a reverberatory furnace, by Sudre, in France, during the year 1860. But the furnace was destroyed in the act; and it remained for Siemens, with his regenerative furnace, to realise the object. In 1862 Mr.

What particularly arrested my attention was a groan a hollow, reverberatory groan preceded by a pack of heartrending sighs. It worried me when everything seemed to be going so well. He had every right to be whistling Hiawatha, too. "What's the matter, Jones?" said I. He keeled over on the sofa, and groaned louder than ever. "It isn't possible that she's refused you?" I exclaimed.