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"Now I want a few hours' rest, because we're going back at sun up to restake the claim." Horton looked thoughtful. "I'm not quite sure you could hold it. It hasn't been declared open." Alton laughed a little. "Well, I think I can," he said. "Damer hadn't got his patent, anyway, and it's scarcely likely that the man who sent him will protest against me."

Forel had told them nothing new, and they could guess at the suspense Alton had been enduring, for the decision of the Crown authorities meant a good deal to all of them. If the claim were declared open, the first man to restake it and get in his papers could take possession. "It would be dreadful if Harry lost it," said Mrs. Seaforth. "Still, I don't think he will." Alton laughed a little.

There was ten thousand in loose stuff lying, on the surface, and you might have been pardoned for helping yourself to as much of it as you could carry personally, but you elected to restake the claim and now all that easy picking belongs to the Indian and me. He's a good Indian and I'm going to let him have some of it. He won't take much because he's fond of me.

Alton thrust his chair back and clenched one hand, while the girl noticed with relief that he had almost forgotten her. "Hallam," he said, and stopped a moment, while his voice was harsh as he continued, "going to restake my claim. Well, there is time still in hand and he can't do it yet. Now " The girl stopped him with a gesture. "You must ask me nothing," she said.

Though there was between twenty and thirty thousand dollars' worth of high-grade ore lying unguarded in the broken-down wagon two miles below, we promptly forgot it. Losing no minute of the precious time, we hastened to restake our claim, marking the boundaries plainly and putting up "No Trespass" notices to let the coming invaders know that we were alive and on the job.

His stay in Umsong had been like a fearful boy scout in a tent on a camping expedition a child looking at black clouds from his small portal, and wishing to again restake his homestead in the less ominous domain of his parents' back yard.