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Updated: August 8, 2024

"Nein," said Reingelder, "I will der shnake alife examine. Dere is no fear. Der coral-shnakes are mitout shting-apparatus brofided." Boot I looked at her het, und she vas der het of a boison-shnake der true viper cranium, narrow und contract. "It is not goot," said I, "she may bite und den we are tree hoondert mile from aferywheres. Broduce der alcohol und bickle him alife."

Derefore I bicked myselfs oop und I said, "Reingelder, dot is YOUR find." "Heart's true friend, dou art a goot man," said Reingelder, und mit dot he obens der bickle-bottle, und der natif woman she shqueals: "Herr Gott! It will bite." I said pecause in Uraguay a man must be careful of der insects "Reingelder, shpifligate her in der alcohol und den she will be all right."

He vas doubled into big knots, und den undoubled, und den redoubled mooch worse dan pefore, und he frothed. I vas mit him, saying, "Reingelder, dost dou know me?" but he himself, der inward gonsciousness part, was peyond knowledge, und so I know he vas not in bain. Den he wrop himself oop in von dremendous knot und den he died all alone mit me in Uraguay.

"By Gott," said Reingelder, "I will get a Sherman Flag snake or I will die." Und we toorned all Uraguay upside-behint all pecause of dot Sherman Flag.

I dell you a coral-snake is a peauty all red und white like coral dot has been gestrung in bands upon der neck of a girl. Dere is one snake howefer dot we who gollect know ash der Sherman Flag, pecause id is red und plack und white, joost like a sausage mit druffles. Reingelder he was naturalist goot man goot trinker better as me!

"Der liddle fool he haf bit me," says Reingelder. 'Dese things was before we know apout der permanganat-potash injection. I was discomfordable. "Die oop der arm, Reingelder," said I, "und trink whisky ontil you can no more trink." "Trink ten tousand tevils! I will go to dinner," said Reingelder, und he put her afay und it vas very red mit emotion.

'Von day when we was in none knows where shwingin' in our hummocks among der woods, oop comes a natif woman mit a Sherman Flag in a bickle- bottle my bickle-bottle und we both fell from our hummocks flat ubon our pot what you call stomach mit shoy at dis thing. Now I was gollectin' orchits also, und I knowed dot der idee of life to Reingelder vas dis Sherman Flag.

Dis was in Uraguay which was in Amerique North or Sout' you would not know und I was hoontin' orchits und aferydings else dot I could back in my kanasters dot is drafelling sbecimen-gaces. Dere vas den mit me anoder man Reingelder, dot vas his name und he vas hoontin' also but only coral-snakes joost Uraguay coral-snakes aferykind you could imagine.

Reingelder he had him in his hand grawlin' und grawlin' as slow as a woorm und dwice as guiet. "Nonsense," says Reingelder. "Yates haf said dot not von of der coral-shnakes haf der sack of boison." Yates vas der crate authorite ubon der reptilia of Sout' Amerique. He haf written a book. You do not know, of course, but he vas a crate authorite.

'We lifed upon soup, horse-flesh, und beans for dinner, but before we vas eaten der soup, Reingelder he haf hold of his arm und cry, "It is genumben to der clavicle. I am a dead man; und Yates he haf lied in brint!" 'I dell you it vas most sad, for der symbtoms dot came vas all dose of strychnine.

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