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When she entered, he laid his auld wife carefully aside, and stood in an expectant attitude. 'Mr. Elshender, I want to be at the boddom o' this, said Mrs. Falconer. 'Weel, mem, gang to the boddom o' 't, returned Dooble Sanny, dropping on his stool, and taking his stone upon his lap and stroking it, as if it had been some quadrupedal pet.

The best known members of this small group are the openings through the abdominal wall, which, originally placed at the strongest and safest position in the quadrupedal attitude, are now, in the erect attitude, at the weakest and most dangerous, and furnish opportunity for those serious and sometimes fatal escapes of portions of the intestines which we call hernia; the tonsils; and our friend the appendix vermiformis.

In the lower monkeys and the lemurs, the bones of the pelvis are altogether quadrupedal in character. This is not the case in the higher forms, and in the highest apes the pelvic bones approach those of man. Highly interesting examples of these varied results may be seen in the existing anthropoid apes.

The laws they obey, the governments they live under, are for the most part laws made and governments planned before the coming of steam. The areas of administration are still areas marked out by conditions of locomotion as obsolete as the quadrupedal method of the pre-arboreal ancestor.

Every day you must come to me and beg me to do it. If you don't come and pray for it I'll come to you and you'll get it double and treble. If you sneak you'll get it quadru er quadrupedal and also be known as Sneaky as well as Funky. See?" he continued.

Man's ancestry lies much farther back in time, and his progenitor must have been constituted differently from any of the existing large apes. In the ape tribe we are able to trace nearly every step by which the gulf between quadruped and biped has been crossed, from the quadrupedal baboon to the nearly erect gibbon.

Well fare the soul of unfastidious Vincent Bourne, most classical, and at the same time, most English, of the Latinists! who has treated of this human and quadrupedal alliance, this dog and man friendship, in the sweetest of his poems, the Epitaphium in Canem, or, Dog's Epitaph.

Acclimatisation, difference of, in different races of men. Achetidae, stridulation of the; rudimentary stridulating organs in female. Acilius sulcatus, elytra of the female. Acomus, development of spurs in the female of. Acridiidae, stridulation of the; rudimentary stridulating organs in female. Acromio-basilar muscle, and quadrupedal gait. Acting. Actiniae, bright colours of.