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Say that over again, my good sir," quoth Sir Richard, who had thus arrived, as we have seen, at the second count of the indictment. "I say, good sir, whence dost thou hear all these pretty stories?" "My son Jack, Sir Richard, my son Jack, ingenui vultus puer." "But not, it seems, ingenui pudoris. Tell thee what, Mr.

I happened to be present, sir, at a scene which did you the greatest honour, and of which I spoke, not knowing you, with something like levity to your son. He is an ingenui vultus puer ingenuique pudoris Pendennis, how are you?

But this was only his opinion, for I am sure that other men think differently. The curious inquirers into the secrets of Nature, have observed, that in young maidens in the sinus pudoris, or in what is called the neck of the womb, is that wonderful production usually called the hymen, but in French bouton de rose, or rosebud, because it resembles the expanded bud of a rose or a gilly flower.

And truly I must say, though he hath the character of being a little wild, I never saw any harm in the young man; nor can I say I have heard any, save what your worship now mentions. I wish, indeed, he was a little more regular in his responses at church; but altogether he seems Ingenui vultus puer ingenuique pudoris.

The young nobleman replied, bowing low "Imo, rex augustissime biennium fere apud lugdunenses Moratus sum." James proceeded "Biennium dicis? Bene, bene, optume factum est non uno Die, quod dicunt, intelligisti, domine glenvarlochiensis? Aha!" Nigel replied by a reverent bow, and the king, turning to those behind him, said "Adolescens quidem ingenui vultus ingenuique pudoris."

Now this claustrum virginale, or flower, is composed of four little buds like myrtle berries, which are full and plump in virgins, but hang loose and flag in women; and these are placed in the four angles of the sinus pudoris, joined together by little membranes and ligatures, like fibres, each of them situated in the testicles, or spaces between each bud, with which, in a manner, they are proportionately distended, and when once this membrane is lacerated, it denotes Devirgination.