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Ownership does not necessarily involve control. A puddler in the Gary Mills may own five shares of stock in the Steel Corporation without ever raising his voice to determine the corporation policy. This is ownership without control. On the other hand, a banking house through a voting trust agreement, may control the policy of a corporation in which it does not own one per cent of the stock.

Veiled in the solemn music ushering the risen Saviour was a key-note to solve the darkest secrets of a world gone wrong, even this social riddle which the brain of the grimy puddler grappled with madly to-night. The men began to withdraw the metal from the caldrons.

When reheated to a welding heat, they are rolled out into flat bars or round rods, in a variety of sizes, so as to be suitable for the consumer. The manual and physical labour of the puddler is tedious, fatiguing, and unhealthy. The process of puddling occupies about an hour's violent labour, and only robust young men can stand the fatigue and violent heat.

It knows that beyond there waits for it odorous sunlight, quaint old gardens, dusky with soft, green foliage of apple-trees, and flushing crimson with roses, air, and fields, and mountains. The future of the Welsh puddler passing just now is not so pleasant.

This state of the iron is indicated by a general loss of fluidity, accompanied by a tendency to gather together in globular masses. The puddler, by his dexterous use of the end of the rabbling bar, puts the masses together, and, in fact, welds the new-born particles of malleable iron into puddle-balls of about three-quarters of a hundredweight each.

You're going to marry David, and I'm going to marry Elizabeth. And I'm going to be awfully rich; and I'll give all you children a lot of money. Jimmy Sullivan he's a friend of mine; I got acquainted with him yesterday, and he's the biggest puddler in our Works. Jimmie said, 'You're the only son, he said, 'you'll get it all. 'Course I told him I'd give him some," said Blair.

Strap an Oregon boot of that weight to your arm and then do calisthenics ten hours in a room so hot it melts your eyebrows and you will know what it is like to be a puddler. But we puddlers did not complain. There is men's work to be done in this world, and we were the men to do it. We had come into a country built of wood; we should change it to a country built of steel and stone.

I looked at the dog football match with the interest of a Sheffield puddler at a Cup-tie, and clapped my hands. The ingenuousness of youth had insisted on this prolongation of our meeting. He had a thousand things to tell me.

They break under civilization's load. A steel world is hopeless if men are pig-iron. There is greed and envy and malice in all of us. But also there is the real metal of brotherhood. Our task is to puddle out the impurities so that the true iron can be strong enough to hold our civilization up forever. I have been a puddler of iron and I would be a puddler of men.

She thrust it into his hand, and then, her errand done, began to gather chips together to make a fire, choking down hysteric sobs. "Has it come to this?" That was all he said. The Welsh Wolfe blood was honest. The roll was a small green pocket-book containing one or two gold pieces, and a check for an incredible amount, as it seemed to the poor puddler.