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The command of the British troops in Rhode Island had devolved on General Prescot.

He took a pen; he wrote a few lines; he placed them in the hands of Lieutenant Sim. They contained the free pardon of Private Prescot. Charles rushed with the pardon in his hand to the prisoner; he exclaimed "Take this you are pardoned you are free!" The soldier would have embraced his knees to thank him; but the lieutenant said "No! kneel not to me consider me as a brother.

American army inoculated.... General Heath moves to Kingsbridge.... Returns to Peekskill.... Destruction of stores at Peekskill.... At Danbury.... Expedition to Sagg Harbour.... Camp formed at Middlebrook.... Sir William Howe moves out to Somerset Court House.... Returns to Amboy.... Attempts to cut off the retreat of the American army to Middlebrook.... Lord Cornwallis skirmishes with Lord Stirling.... General Prescot surprised and taken.... The British army embarks.

I am an orphan; my parents I never saw. And tell me for this strange resemblance between us almost overpowers me do yours live?" "Whoy," was the reply, "old Tom Prescot and his woif be alive; and they zay as how they be my vather and moother, and I zuppose they be; but zoom cast up to them that they bean't."

Lawrence, tinging its green waters with a darker hue, which can be traced for miles, till it is ultimately lost in the rapids below. I now determined to walk to Prescot, where I knew I should be able to take the steam-boat for Kingston, on Lake Ontario. At the Coteau du Lac I fell in with a Roman Catholic Irishman, named Mooney.

The command of the British troops in Rhode Island had devolved on General Prescot.

Another obstacle to the cartel was the capture of Lee, who had been taken prisoner in 1776; the congress insisted on his liberation, and, after much debating on both sides, he was at length exchanged for General Prescot.

But the youth, with a spirit above his condition, peremptorily refused the offer, and said "No, master thank you the zame I will take nothing but what I have won." Charles was anxious to visit "old Tom Prescot and his wife," of whom the stranger had spoken; but the company to which he belonged was to march forward to Plymouth on the following day, and there to embark.

To the General Court which met October 18, 1659, the following petition was presented: "The humble petition of John Prescot of Lancaster humblye Sheweth, That whereas yr petitioner about nine or ten yeares since, was desired by the late hon'red Governour Mr. Winthrop, w'th other Magistrates, as also by Mr. Wilson of Boston, Mr.

I remained two or three days at Prescot, waiting the arrival of my baggage, which I had left on board the Durham boat. I amused myself during the interval by taking walks in the neighbourhood. The land appeared very sandy, the timber being chiefly hemlock: the situation of the town is good.