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"And now comes the second question," resumed Utterson: "Who is going to do it?" "Why, you and me," was the undaunted reply. "That's very well said," returned the lawyer; "and whatever comes of it, I shall make it my business to see you are no loser." "There is an axe in the theatre," continued Poole; "and you might take the kitchen poker for yourself."

Walter Poole should rise from his writing-table and come forward to meet him, and he expressed his gratitude to Mr. Walter Poole, whose time was of great importance, for receiving him. And after all this unction came a flattering description of Mr. Walter Poole himself. He was, in the interviewer's words, a young man, tall and clean-shaven, with a high nose which goes well with an eye-glass.

"I felt terribly for a while, because I have a wonderful way with children; I know that myself. They always come to me funniest thing! Dr. Poole was saying the other day that I had a remarkable magnetism. I said, 'I don't know about THAT, and I don't, Martie!

Then this wire of yours sticking out into space on the roof of the house in some mysterious way gets charged with those waves from Poole " "Or anywhere it only happens to be Poole tonight." "And those waves set the coherer at work, just like an ordinary telegraph- office ticker?" "No! That's where so many people make the mistake.

Such was the critical position of the Americans sent up the river by order of General Poole on a veritable fool's errand. The folly of his so-called "active defense" of Archangel was to be exposed most plainly at Ust Padenga and Shenkursk in winter. By the middle of November the enemy was becoming more and more active in this vicinity.

Fitzralph had the sympathy not only of the seculars, but of the "possessioners," or property-holding monks. See his De Pauperie Salvatoris, lib. i.-iv., printed by R.L. Poole, as appendix to Wycliffe, De Dominio Divino.

It struck me that we might from them obtain a distant view of Mount Serle, or see some change of country favourable to my future views. Under this impression, I left the camp on the 7th of the month, with Mr. Poole and two of the men.

"Oh, the poor young man's been raving and talking about you scores of times; and Mr Abraham's name's well-known all over the colony." Hubert went to his uncle with the information. "What can we do?" he asked; "I'll gladly go to him, if you can spare me for a few days." Jacob Poole, who was in the office, and had heard the conversation, now interposed, "Oh, Mayster Oliphant, let me go to him.

Poole dumped the ball, as evidently the Rube desired, for he handed up a straight one, but the bunt rolled teasingly and the Rube, being big and tall, failed to field it in time. Suddenly the whole field grew quiet. For the first time Cogswell's coaching was clearly heard. "One out! Take a lead! Take a lead! Go through this time. Go through!"

You go back up there and get after Poole. He'll tell you. Any man that will do what he did to me, for money, will squeal on his employer. Sure!" Overhead the hammering and shouting broke out afresh. "There," said the sheriff regretfully; "now I'll have to make those fellows go without anything to eat till dinner-time." "Sheriff," said Pete, "you've been mighty square with me.