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Updated: August 16, 2024

Then something has happened my wife has called out, or someone has rung a bell, or the postman has given one of his whole-hearted smashes with the knocker, and the poltergeist has "cleared off," and I have not been disturbed by it again for the remainder of the evening. I am not the only person whom poltergeists visit.

Together the phantom of that tacit, gentle soul of a woman and the possessive fantasy of the rough and naughty Laotian were trying to overtake him. They were mental poltergeists and he was the source of his own haunting.

Podmore's book when Poltergeists, Cock-lore ghost affairs, are discussed, it appears that genuine hallucinations may be associated with fraudulent physical phenomena. These are, it may be positively stated, hypnotic hallucinations. The two together in some cases, as in the one already mentioned of "Alice," amount to a very good ghost story, the blood on the floor alone excepted.

Science wasn't yet completely under political wraps. For a second, he stopped as he came to a paper bearing his by-line. Then he grimaced it was an old one, just published his attempt to find how the phenomena of poltergeists could be fitted into the conservation of energy, and his final proof that the whole business was sheer rubbish.

"Terms of the will. Oh, well, Geraldine'll drink herself to death in a few years, and Nelda will elope with a prize-fighter, sometime." "Why don't you have the house haunted? The Tri-State Agency has an excellent house-haunting department. Anything you want; poltergeists; apparitions; cold, clammy hands in the dark; footsteps in the attic; clanking chains and eldritch screams; banshees.

The letter from Professor Meinzer had been about his paper on poltergeists which the old man had seen before publication. He'd been doing research on the psi factor for the government, and he needed a mathematician even one who proved something which he knew wasn't true, provided the mathematics could handle his theories.

When we complicate the subject still farther by considering what connection such things as rappings, apparitions, poltergeists, spirit-photographs, and materializations may have with it, the bosh end of the scale gets heavily loaded, it is true, but your genuine inquirer still is loath to give up. He lets the data collect, and bides his time.

You told us that yourself, while you were undergoing our hastily improvised hypnotic education of your brain. It always has been. The minute a girl bothered with poltergeists finds she is the cause of them, they stop. It's a faint, weak channel between consciousness and unconsciousness or subconsciousness, if you prefer. And yours was widened by the treatment, even if it wasn't ready to work yet.

The remaining chapter, dealing as it does with "Poltergeists and Mediums," takes us into the more dubious field of "physical phenomena" spontaneous and experimental and cases are discussed which lie outside the province of the psychologist, since they entrench more upon the domain of physics and biology. As such they have been treated and discussed by the majority of Continental savants.

"There are things I touch upon them lightly that will presently astonish Lagune." Lewisham became more attentive. "I marvel at that man, grubbing hungry for marvels amidst the almost incredibly marvellous. What is he for, that he should wonder at Poltergeists?

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