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This only pretends to be a chronological and, quite incidentally, a critical survey of George Gissing's chief works. And comparatively short as his working life proved to be hampered for ten years by the sternest poverty, and for nearly ten more by the sad, illusive optimism of the poitrinaire the task of the mere surveyor is no light or perfunctory one.

In this, climate, and being 'poitrinaire', one doesn't make experiments. I shall finish my days here. Have you seen that young man who interested you? There 's another! He has spirit, as I had once 'il fait de la philosophie', as I do and you will see, monsieur, it will finish him. In this world what you want is to have no spirit. Spirit ruins you."

"So am I, Miss Ogilvy," he answered, with heartiness, "I mean to see you. But," he added, studying her, "you do not look very well." She smiled rather pathetically, and said in a quick voice: "No, I took a cold on that journey. You see I am rather an invalid, which is why I live here while I do live what they call poitrinaire." Godfrey shook his head, the word was beyond him.

It was Cytheris, the fickle actress if the scholiasts are right who opened his eyes to the fact that there were themes for passionate poetry nearer home than the legendary love-tales; and when she forgot him, finding excitement elsewhere during his months of service with Octavian, he nursed his morbid grief in un-Roman self-pity, this first poet of the poitrinaire school.

I remember that when he was a candidate for the Assembly, one of the popular cries, as reported by the newspapers of the time, was A bas le poitrinaire! His malady soon laid him low enough, for he died in 1842, at the age of forty-six.

I remember that when he was a candidate for the Assembly, one of the popular cries, as reported by the newspapers of the time, was A bas le poitrinaire! His malady soon laid him low enough, for he died in 1842, at the age of forty-six.

With all its gifts and opportunities it was a melancholy life melancholy with something not altogether explained by the somewhat pessimistic philosophy exposed in the Journal, nor by the consumptive tendency of Amiel's physical constitution, causing him from a very early date to be much preoccupied with the effort to reconcile himself with the prospect of death, and reinforcing the far from sanguine temperament of one intellectually also a poitrinaire.