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He will dine at all tables, with mission to attack political leaders; he runs in and out of newspaper offices, like a dog seeking his master; and, when he has bitten sharply, he becomes the professor of a fantastic science, the private secretary of some cabinet, or else consul-general. Afterwards come the gendelettre pamphleteers.

While the act was, even in England, merely a theme for consideration, and while the colonies were virtually under invitation to send thither their views upon the subject, it was perfectly proper for colonial pamphleteers and for colonial legislatures to express, in every civilized form, their objections to it. But all this was now over.

This rare retiring and respectable conduct did not disarm some hideous pamphleteers. Their impudent sarcasms were continually attacking the modest wife on her domestic hearth, and troubling her peace of mind. In their logic of the tavern they fancied that an elegant and handsome woman, who avoided society, could not fail to be ignorant and stupid.

In the air outside that other power stood waiting to conquer or to fail. I came out, as from a camp, into the civilian debate, the atmosphere of the spectators. I chose the two pamphleteers who are of equal weight in this war, but of whom one only is known as yet to us in England, and that the least. I read their battle-cries. Their style was excellent; their good faith shone even in their style.

During Burke's first years in London, when he himself lived by literature and saw much of the lives and ways of poets and pamphleteers, he must have gained some experience that served him later in good stead. There was a flavour of truthfulness in Crabbe's story that could hardly be delusive, and a strain of modesty blended with courage that would at once appeal to Burke's generous nature.

All the pamphleteers and newspaper politicians write as if they knew the whole some confident that the ministry split on one question some on another; long declamations and abuse follow as usual on each side, but WISE people, and of course myself among that number, suspect 'that all that we know is, that we know nothing. That there was some private intrigue in the cabinet, which has not yet transpired, I opine from Temple's reserve whenever I have mentioned the subject.

Poor little Lucretia, described by the excellent M. Moinet as a ``bon petit coeur, is enveloped in the political ordure slung by venal pamphleteers at the masterful men of her race.

If a popular tempest could have been allayed by brilliant argument, Defoe's papers ought to have done it. He was a manly antagonist, and did not imitate coarser pamphleteers in raking up scandals about the Doctor's private life at least not under his own name.

So it had leaked out, even in his own town where an anonymous prophet should be without dishonor that he was the author of the infamous Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, the "traitor to State and Church" of refuting pamphleteers, the bogey of popular theology. In vain, then, had his treatise been issued with "Hamburg" on the title-page.

I am undisturbed and unattacked in the enjoyments best suited to my taste for what purpose should I be hurried into the abuse of the journalists and the witticisms of pamphleteers? I can ask those whom I like to my house why should I be forced into asking those whom I do not like?