United States or Jersey ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In this connection it is sufficient to insist that a more scrupulous attention to existing Federal responsibilities, and the increase of their number and scope, is the natural consequence of the increasing concentration of American industrial, political, and social life.

Further, the occupation of this tract "must draw and carry out a great number of people from Great Britain," who would soon become "a kind of separate and independent people, ... and set up for themselves," meeting their own wants and taking no "supplies from the mother country nor from the provinces" along the seaboard.

They married into none but the purest burgher families, and required a certain number of aldermen and burgomasters in the pedigree of every bride-elect before admitting her to the family. They sought their wives in Bruges or Ghent, in Liege or in Holland; so that the time-honored domestic customs might be perpetuated around their hearthstones.

On our arrival at each port the managers of the tour and the purser of the vessel obtained a large number of small coins of that particular country so that the needs of the tourists could be promptly supplied.

They killed and wounded a great number of them and captured almost all the caracoas and vessels of the enemy, so that very few boats escaped and they were pursued and burned by the Spaniards, who made many prisoners, and seized immense booty and many weapons from the enemy.

And whatever its advantages and defects may be, it cannot be permanently retained. At the present time native industry is still in its infancy. Protected by the tariff from foreign competition, and too few in number to produce a strong competition among themselves, the existing factories can give to their owners a large revenue without any strenuous exertion.

"But you have not answered my question in regard to the number of men on board of the Teaser when you left her." "And you will excuse me for the present if I do not answer it," added the Union lieutenant. "Very well, Mr. Passford; I cannot compel you to answer it, though doing so would do no harm to your cause, for I should judge that the question of the hour is settled."

Their illness, however, was merely the natural effect of hasty drinking in their exhausted state, and soon left them. At this point a number of the men were sent back with the boats to where the ships had been left, the force that continued the march amounting to eleven hundred.

I would rather hear the history of the Thrales. When on Mull, I said, 'Well, sir, this is the fourth of the Hebrides that we have been upon. JOHNSON. 'Nay, we cannot boast of the number we have seen. We thought we should see many more.

The Swift home was on the outskirts of the town, and the large house was surrounded by a number of machine shops, in which father and son, aided by Garret Jackson, the engineer, did their experimental and constructive work. Their house was not far from Lake Carlopa, a fairly large body of water, on which Tom often speeded his motor-boat.