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"He didn't know it was yourn, Miss Margaret he don't uphold to novel-readin', and if he'd know it was yourn he'd have you put out of William Penn, so I tole him I lent it off of Elviny Dinkleberger and I'll help you Fridays till it's paid for a'ready, if you'll leave me, Miss Margaret!"

Getz suddenly said, fixing on her a suspicious and searching look, "do you uphold to novel-readin'?" Miss Margaret hesitated perceptibly. She must shield Tillie even more than herself. "What a question to ask of the teacher at William Penn!" she gravely answered. "I know it ain't such a wery polite question," returned Mr. Getz, half apologetically.

I think, still, I mebbe used the strap too hard, her bein' a girl that way. But a body's got to learn 'em when they're young, you know. And here it was a NOVEL-book! She borrowed the loan of it off of Elviny Dinkleberger! I chucked it in the fire! I don't uphold to novel-readin'!"

"I lent it off of Elviny Dinkleberger!" she sobbed. "You know I tole you a'ready you darsen't bring books home! And you know I don't uphold to novel-readin'! I 'll have to learn you to mind better 'n this! Where d' you get that there candle?" "I bought it, pop." "Bought? Where d'you get the money!"

"Hold your whiskers, Jake, or they'll blow off! You're talkin' through your hat! Don't be so dumm! Teacher she gev me that there book because she passed me her opinion she don't stand by novel-readin'. She was goin' to throw out that there book and I says I'd take it if she didn't want it. So then I left Tillie borrow the loan of it." "So that's how you come by it, is it?" Mr.

Us we're Evangelicals, and us children we go to the Sunday-school, and I still bring home li-bry books. Pop he don't uphold to novel-readin'. I have never saw a novel yet." "Well, this book won't injure you, Tillie. You must tell me all about it when you have read it. You will find it so interesting, I'm afraid you won't be able to study your lessons while you are reading it."

"I was readin' 'Ivanhoe' in bed last night, and pop woke up, and seen my candle-light, and he conceited he'd look once and see what it was, and then he seen me, and he don't uphold to novel-readin', and he he " "Well?" Miss Margaret gently urged her faltering speech. "Whipped you again!" Miss Margaret's soft voice indignantly exclaimed. "The br " she checked herself and virtuously closed her lips.