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Notwithstanding the prayers which the Parisians had addressed to the sun for the preceding twenty-four hours, " Nocte pluit tota, redeunt spectacula mane," it rained all night, and was still raining yesterday morning, when the day was ushered in by discharges of artillery from the saluting battery at the Hotel des Invalides.

Kill me then!" "You do not recall them?" shrieked the Prince. "You maintain all to be truth that you have said of the order of the Media Nocte? You knew already before I told you that the Princess Ludovicka Hollandine belongs to it?" "I knew it, Prince, indeed, I knew it!"

Vincla recusantum et sera sub nocte rudentum; cornua relatarum obvertimus antennarum. The beginnings of rhyme are here seen, and perhaps still more in the elegiac, debuerant fusos evoluisse meos; or Sapphic, Pone me pigris ubi nulla campis Arbor aestiva recreatur aura. Publ.

Above the doorway are the remains of some letters now illegible, but which are supposed when perfect to have expressed, from the Latin version of the Psalms, the words: Fuerint mihi lacrymae meae panes die ac nocte.

"'Nocte pluit tota, redeunt spectacula mane, Divisum imperium cum Jove Caesar habet." Monday, April 2, 1810, as soon as day began to break, Paris and all the country round about set forth towards the Saint Cloud road. From eight in the morning the windows were filled with women. Everywhere scaffolding had been put up; fences, roofs, and trees were crowded with numberless spectators.

In Isiacis sacris de pinea arbore caeditur truncus; hujus trunci media pars subtiliter excavatur, illis de segminibus factum idolum Osiridis sepelitur. In Prosperpinae sacris caesa arbor in effigiem virginis formaraque componitur, et cum intra civitatem fuerit illata, quadraginta noctibus piangitur, quadragesima vero nocte comburitur."

Sarracenorum autem turmae, videntes quia Christianorum virtus audactur facie ad faciem vicini sibi hospitio proxime iungebatur, media nocte orbi incumbente, amotis tentorijs amplius milliari subtractae consederunt, dum luce exorta consilium inirent, vtrum Ascalonem redirent, aut ciues Iaphet crebris assultibus vexarent. The same in English.