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And if thou shouldst chance to meet the singing-maiden of my household, Niphrata, bid her make haste homeward, she hath been absent since the break of morn, too long for my contentment. Maybe I did unwisely to give the child her freedom, as slave she would not have presumed to gad abroad thus wantonly, without her lord's permission.

Niphrata loved thee, and thou didst play with and torture her more unmercifully than wild beasts play with and torture their prey; . . but thou couldst never trifle with ME! O thou who hast taken so much pride in the breaking of many women's hearts, learn that thou hast never stirred one throb of passion in MINE! ... that I have loathed thy beauty while caressing thee, and longed to slay thee while embracing thee! ... and that even now I would I saw thee dead before me, ere I myself am forced to die!"

Now Niphrata is a child of delicate caprice ... she loves ME, me, her lord, and methinks I am not negligent or undeserving of her devotion! ... again, she has no strength of spirit, her timorous blood would freeze at the mere thought of death, she is more prone to play with flowers and sing for pure delight of heart than perish for the sake of love!

The Poet wins the whole world's love, and immortal fame, his adverse Critic, brief contempt, and measureless oblivion. Come," he added, addressing Theos "we will leave these maidens to their duties and pastimes, Niphrata!" here his dazzling smile flashed like a beam of sunlight over his face "thou wilt bring us fruit and wine yonder, we shall pass the afternoon together within doors.

"LOVE!" replied Niphrata in a tone of thrilling and solemn tenderness.. "LOVE, the Eternal All, in which dark things are made light! Love, that is never served in vain! ... LOVE wherein lost happiness is rediscovered and perfected! ... O DIVINE LOVE, by whom the passion of my heart is sanctified!