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It would take too long to tell you that the father of Nicomachus was a public slave, and what sort of a life this man led when a young man, and what age he was when he was enrolled in his phratria; but while he was copyist of the laws, who does not know how he injured the state?

His father, Nicomachus by name, was a man of such eminence in his profession as to hold the post of physician to Amyntas, king of Macedonia, father of Philip the subverter of Greek freedom. Not only was his father an expert physician, he was also a student of natural history, and wrote several works on the subject.

And this they accomplished through the law which Nicomachus proposed. You should consider this, even as many of you as thought Cleophon a bad citizen, that perhaps some one of those put to death by the Thirty was base, but nevertheless that on account of such you should be angry at the Thirty, that they killed these not for their crimes, but on party grounds. 14.

Of all the philosophers of antiquity, Aristotle was one of the most celebrated; and in every seat of learning, his name, even at this day, is held in esteem. He was son of Nicomachus, a physician, and friend of Amyntas, king of Macedonia, and was descended from Machaon, son of Æsculapius. He was born at Stagira, a city of Macedonia, in the first year of the 99th Olympiad.

The geometry of Euclid, the music of Pythagoras, the arithmetic of Nicomachus, the mechanics of Archimedes, the astronomy of Ptolemy, the theology of Plato, and the logic of Aristotle, with the commentary of Porphyry, were translated and illustrated by the indefatigable pen of the Roman senator.

But truly, gentlemen of the jury, one should not learn about piety from Nicomachus, but consider the facts. Our ancestors who sacrificed by the tablets made this the largest and most prosperous of the Greek cities, so it is right for you to perform the same sacrifices as they, if for nothing else, for the sake of the good fortune which resulted from those sacrifices. 19.

And you should know, gentlemen of the jury, that it will be a warning to others not to dare to wrong you, not because you punish those who are not eloquent, but as you punish those who are. For who in this city is more liable to punishment than Nicomachus? Who has done less good or more harm to the city than he? 25.

Besides, I think it strange that Nicomachus believe in trumping up old scores against others as offenders, when I shall show that he had plots against the people. Now hear me; for it is just, gentlemen of the jury, to receive such a defense in regard to such men as say now they are devoted to the people, when once they tried to ruin the people. 10.

What! not know the great Polemo of Rhodes, the friend of Plotinus, the pupil of Theagenes, the disciple of Thrasyllus, the hearer of Nicomachus, who was of the school of Secundus, the doctor of the new Pythagoreans? Not feel the presence in Sicca of Polemo, the most celebrated, the most intolerable of men?

The treatise 'De Officiis', known as Cicero's 'Offices, to which we pass next, is addressed by the author to his son, while studying at Athens under Cratippus; possibly in imitation of Aristotle, who inscribed his Ethics to his son Nicomachus.