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Montbard had to make a couple of drawings on the day I have mentioned, and it so happened that, whilst we were going about with M. de la Ferriere, the chamberlain on duty, Napoleon III suddenly appeared before us. He asked me also how long I had been in France, and where I had learnt the language.

In regard to Montbard there was some little trouble, as M. de la Ferriere did not like the appearance of his "revolutionary-looking beard," the sight of which, said he, might greatly alarm the Empress.

At the distance of three leagues from Montbard, one of the harnesses broke, and, the postboys having failed to bring rope with them, we were detained on the road, as the place of the accident was far from any human dwelling. My good master and M. d'Anquetil whiled away the time by playing and sympathetic quarrels, of which they had made a habit.

Fully engaged as he was in those useful labors, from the age of thirty, Buffon gave up living at Paris for the greater part of the year. He had bought the ruins of the castle of Montbard, the ancient residence of the Dukes of Burgundy, overlooking his native town. He had built a house there which soon became dear to him, and which he scarcely ever left for eight months in the year.

The General finding himself, on his return from Egypt, at Montbard, where he had passed several years of his childhood, had sought with the greatest care for his companions in school and mischief, and had found several, with whom he had talked gayly and freely of his early frolics and his schoolboy excursions.

Then, remarking that it was near the dejeuner hour, he told M. de la Ferriere to see that Montbard and myself were suitably entertained. I do not think that I had any particular political opinions at that time. Montbard, however, was a Republican in fact, a future Communard and I know that he did not appreciate his virtually enforced introduction to the so-called "Badinguet."

M. Fleurens truly said, " Bufon aggrandizes every subject he touches." Born at Montbard in Burgundy on the 7th of September, 1707, Buffon belonged to a family of wealth and consideration in his province.

It's very rare to find women who remain pretty while eating and sleeping, very rare. Little Adelaide, the red-headed one, you remember, ate stupidly. And this one over there eats brightly; she eats crack! another nut and she looks at me on the sly. I can see that she looks at me. All goes well, all goes well!" In truth, all did go well. At Montbard, 12.32, Raoul was presented to Mme.