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After a while, the professor left him to enjoy his mesmeric nap, and chose another subject, in the person of a man who had lectured a few nights before on the science of mnemonics, and had been disappointed in a very scanty attendance. After a decent time had elapsed, the new subject yielded very easily to the professor's magic passes, and fell into a profound sleep.

The psychologists illustrated their expositions with some astounding experiments in mnemonics made through the agency of a troupe of pale-faced children in blue. Graham, like most of the people of his former time, distrusted the hypnotist, or he might then and there have eased his mind of many painful preoccupations.

He walked to and fro from the College with little slips of mnemonics in his hand, lists of crayfish appendages, rabbits' skull-bones, and vertebrate nerves, for example, and became a positive nuisance to foot passengers in the opposite direction. But, by a natural reaction, Poetry and the girl with the brown eyes ruled the Christmas holiday.

The psychologists illustrated their expositions with some astounding experiments in mnemonics made through the agency of a troupe of pale-faced children in blue. Graham, like most of the people of his former time, distrusted the hypnotist, or he might then and there have eased his mind of many painful preoccupations.

It was his custom always to think out his speeches, mentally wording them, and then memorizing them by a peculiar system of mnemonics which he had invented. On the dinner-table a certain succession of knife, spoon, salt-cellar, and butter-plate symbolized a train of ideas, and on the billiard-table a ball, a cue, and a piece of chalk served the same purpose.

"'Pears like I don't 'member him, Mass' Frank." Here Frank had recourse to a system of mnemonics frequently resorted to by teachers in their extremity. "What's the name of the little insect that stings people sometimes, Pomp?" "Wasp, Mass' Frank," was the confident reply. "No, I don't mean that. I mean the bee." "Yes, Mass' Frank." "Well, this is B."

There have been invented more than one hundred different systems of mnemonics, all professing to be invaluable, and some claiming to be infallible. It appears to be a fatal objection to these memory-systems that they substitute a wholly artificial association of ideas for a natural one.

He's got as pretty a case of indigestion as I've seen for some time. He's giving a demonstration that's almost theatrical." Well, he insisted it was indigestion, although I argued that it wasn't possible, and he wanted ipecac. "I haven't seen a pharmacopoeia for so long that I wouldn't know one if I met it," he declared, "but I've got a system of mnemonics that never fails.

Mnemonics should not only mean the art of keeping something indirectly in the memory by the use of some direct pun or witticism; it should, rather, be applied to a systematic theory of memory, and explain its several attributes by reference both to its real nature, and to the relation in which these attributes stand to one another.

My classic lore lay upon my mind like lumber; and I was altogether about as well prepared to struggle with life to benefit either my fellow-man or myself as if I had graduated in Chinese mnemonics.