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David opened the door cautiously and admitted Mizraim the Chief Eunuch. Mizraim's eyes searched the room, and found Nahoum. "Pasha," he said to Nahoum, "may thy bones never return to dust, nor the light of thine eyes darken! There is danger." Nahoum nodded, but did not speak. "Shall I speak, then?" He paused and made low salutation to David, saying, "Excellency, I am thine ox to be slain."

"But if this be the house of a friend, is he safe here?" asked David. "For this night, it may be," answered Mizraim, "till other watchers be set, who are no slaves of mine. Tonight, here, of all places in Cairo, he is safe; for who could look to find him where thou art who hast taken from him his place and office, Excellency on whom the stars shine for ever!

Are they not mine mine to bind or break as I will?" "So be it! Wisdom is of thee as the breath of man is his life. I will drive Foorgat Bey to his home." A few moments later all that was left of Foorgat Bey was sitting in his carriage beside Mizraim the Chief Eunuch sitting upright, stony, and still, and in such wise was driven swiftly to his palace.

In the geographical table in the tenth chapter of Genesis Canaan is stated to be the son of Ham and the brother of Mizraim or Egypt. The statement indicates the age to which the account must go back.

I am betrothed to the heir of the crown of Egypt " Deborah flung up her hand, drawing away in her amazement. "Thou! A coming queen over the proud land of Mizraim a guest in the retreat of enslaved Israel!" Masanath bent her head. "Ye, in your want and distress, are not more poor or wretched than I." The old Israelite's brilliant eyes glittered in the dark. "Hold!" she exclaimed.

Here a primitive Babylonian kingdom is assigned to a people distinctly said to have been Cushite by blood, and to have stood in close connection with Mizraim, or the people of Egypt, Phut, or those of Central Africa, and Canaan, or those of Palestine.

She remembered the little room where she and David, Nahoum and Mizraim, crossed a bridge over a chasm, and stood upon ground which had held good till now till this hour, when the man who had played a most vital part in her life had come again out of a land which, by some forced obliquity of mind and stubbornness of will, she had assured herself she would never see again.

"I have sent for thee, Mizraim. And thou shalt prove thyself, once for all, whether thy hand moves as thy tongue speaks." "To serve thee I will lay down my life I will blow it from me as the wind bloweth the cotton flower. Have I not spoken thus since the Feast of Beiram, now two years gone?" Dicky lowered his voice.

"The sons of Ham," we are told, "were Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan . . . . And Cush begat Nimrod . . . . And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar."

"But if this be the house of a friend, is he safe here?" asked David. "For this night, it may be," answered Mizraim, "till other watchers be set, who are no slaves of mine. Tonight, here, of all places in Cairo, he is safe; for who could look to find him where thou art who hast taken from him his place and office, Excellency on whom the stars shine for ever!