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This circumstance led the authors to believe that the insect, when the bird it is parasitical on dies, takes to flight and migrates from body to body, occasionally tasting blood until, coming to the right body to wit, that of a bird, or of a particular species of bird it once more establishes itself permanently in the plumage.

When this species migrates in the summer southward, it is replaced by the arrival of another species coming from the north.

One wonders where Kenyon Cox was at the time! Give this book at least two stars. "Eden" is the third of Saltus's fictions and possibly the poorest of the three. Eden is the name of the heroine whose further name is Menemon. Stuyvesant Square is her original habitat but she migrates to Fifth Avenue. The tide is flowing South again nowadays.

The girl on the farm can solve these problems with an advantage of fifty, seventy-five, or one hundred per cent. as compared with the girl who migrates from town or city to carry on independent productive work in the country. Most girls and women in the country are familiar with farm life, and know beforehand what they require for success in any kind of farm work.

I wish you would show me a darling robin redbreast. I did not know they lived in Canada." "The bird that we call the robin in this country, my dear, is not like the little redbreast you have seen at home; our robin is twice as large; though in shape resembling the European robin; I believe it is really a kind of thrush. It migrates in the fall, and returns to us early in the spring."

The turtle dove migrates northward to the British Islands about the first of May, but as this bird was captured on May 17th, it was not migrating, but, caught by a gust of wind, was probably blown away from the land.

This, then, is their horrid counsel and device that each one of their gods should kill his antecessor. In doing thus, he taketh the old god's life and soul, which thereupon migrates and dwells within him.

It migrates north in the spring, generally making its appearance in the United States about the end of April, where it remains till the breeding season is over. The colour of the male bird is a brilliant scarlet, with the exception of the tail and wings, which are deep black. The tail is forked, and has a white tip.

"Pardon, madame," said he, "je m'en vais cracher mon autre poumon." To Simla the whole supreme Government migrates for the summer Viceroy, council, clerks, printers, and hangers-on. Thither the high official from the plains takes his wife, his daughters, and his liver.

He professed the Brahman and Sûfistic doctrine that the soul migrates through countless existences and finally attains divinity after complete purification. In this case a convincing demonstration appeared to him so necessary that some individuals would have to suffer for it.