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Infection by contiguous extension occurs and also metastatic involvement is met with occasionally. The noninfectious inflammation of bursae and thecae usually result from contusions or strains and generally run their course without becoming infective in character, where vitality and resistance of the subject are normal.

The sudden manifestation of lameness is indicative of injury; thermic disturbances may signalize metastatic infection; history, if dependable, is always helpful. Repeated observations, taking into account the course which the affection assumes during a period of a few days, often serve to afford a means of establishing a diagnosis in baffling cases. Fractures of the Pelvic Bones.

Scapulohumeral arthritis may result then from infections, local or metastatic; from injuries, such as contusions of various kinds; from wounds, which break the surface structure or perforate the joint capsule; or from luxations. Infectious Arthritis.

The pyogenic vibrio, found in the uterus, or which was perhaps already in the body of the mother, since she suffered from chills before confinement, produced metastatic abscesses in the liver and, carried to the blood of the child, there induced one of the forms of infection called purulent, which caused its death. Sixth observation.

It is certainly worthy of note that the uterus, peritoneum and intestines showed nothing special, but the liver was full of metastatic abscesses. At the exit of the hepatic vein from the liver there was pus, and its walls were ulcerated at this place. The pus from the liver abscesses was filled with the pyogenic vibrio.

The subject was not observed thereafter and the outcome in this case is not a matter of record. Whether there existed a psoic phlegmon due to metastatic infection or necrosis of a part of a lumber or dorsal vertebra is a matter for speculation.

At a later stage, and especially in neglected cases, operative and other measures may be required for deformity or ankylosis. #Metastatic Forms of Pyogenic Infection# In #pyæmia#, one or more joints may fill with pus without marked symptoms or signs, and if the pus is aspirated without delay the joint often recovers without impairment of function.

#Secondary Tumours of Bone.# These embrace two groups of new growth, those which give rise to secondary growths in the marrow of bones and those which spread to bone by direct continuity. Metastatic Tumours. [Illustration: FIG.

Exclusive of specific or metastatic arthritis, which is seldom observed except in young animals, inflammation of the elbow joint is usually caused by injury. This articulation is not subject to pathologic changes due to concussion or sprains as occasioned by ordinary service, but is frequently injured by contusion from falls, blows from the wagon-pole and kicks.

Sometimes the nasal mucous membrane becomes affected, and produces a discharge at first watery, but later sanious and purulent. Necrosis of the bones of the nose may take place, in which case the discharge becomes peculiarly offensive. In nearly every case metastatic abscesses form in different parts of the body, such as the lungs, joints, or muscles.