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In a moment he would be within twenty feet of a blast of disintegration products capable of lifting the whole machine into the air, and it was to be started at his command, after he had worked and pottered for two years with a thermic inductor the size of a thimble!

For nature herself makes localities salubrious by suspending for a greater or less time the production of malaria. It is thus that winter brings about in every country a freedom from malaria which is purely thermic, for it is due simply and entirely to a sinking of the temperature below the required minimum.

When freshly charged it supplied current for the thermic inductor for nearly three minutes, but the metallic films, deposited on the plates, dissolved slowly in the fluid, and after three or four days there remained only enough for a thirty-second run, hardly enough to lift the Ring from the earth.

Non-parasitic skin diseases are caused by irritation to the skin and internal causes. Irritation to the skin may be either chemical, thermic or mechanical. The internal causes may be due to an individual predisposition together with digestive disturbances and the eating of feeds too rich in protein. In this chapter parasitic skin diseases produced by insects will not be discussed.

Among the material is to be found a small rectangular board, the surface of which is divided into two parts rough and smooth. Graduated exercises for the thermic sense may also have their place here, as has been explained in my book on the "Method."

"That capsule contains a mixture of vapours that give out disintegrating rays when the temperature is raised by thermic induction above six thousand. Most of 'em are stopped by the zirconium atoms in the capsule, which break down and liberate helium; and the temperature rises in the capsule until it explodes, as you saw just now, with a flash of yellow helium light.

Thornton had read his papers on induced radiation, thermic equilibrium, and had one of Bennie's famous Gem Home Cookers in his own little bachelor apartment. Hooker would know. And if he didn't he'd tell you so, without befogging the atmosphere with a lot of things he did know, but that wouldn't help you in the least.

From another point of view the nest of the Mantis is even more remarkable. It forms an excellent application of one of the most valuable lessons of physical science in the matter of the conservation of heat. The Mantis has outstripped humanity in her knowledge of thermic nonconductors or insulators.

Sunstroke, or thermic fever, is generally believed to be instantaneous in its onset, but the wide experience of the English in India has shown that whilst in some cases it is thus sudden in its development, in others it is a slow process, and probably in almost all cases close observation would have revealed the existence of premonitions.

Frank reports instances in which both 12 and 30 pounds of urine were evacuated. There is a record at the beginning of this century in which it is stated that 31 pounds of urine were evacuated in a case of ischuria. Following some toxic or thermic disturbance, or in diseased kidneys, suppression of urine is quite frequently noticed.