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From another point of view the nest of the Mantis is even more remarkable. It forms an excellent application of one of the most valuable lessons of physical science in the matter of the conservation of heat. The Mantis has outstripped humanity in her knowledge of thermic nonconductors or insulators.

The thick neutral hangings, and the dark blinds, and the heavy heap of bed-clothes, were all designed to hold in sleep, and act as nonconductors to the day and getting up. Even the old stuffed fox upon the top of the wardrobe was devoid of any spark of vigilance, for his glass eye had fallen out, and he slumbered as he stood.

Far more interesting are the results obtained by the study of gases in their relation to the conduction of electricity. As is well known, gases under ordinary conditions are nonconductors.

It was placed in a recess in the solid rock, and all about were layers of asbestos and other substances that were nonconductors of heat. "That box becomes red hot," exclaimed Mr. Jenks, in a whisper. "When things are in readiness, that lever is pulled and the diamonds are made. I pulled it once, but I did not then know the process involved.

The Governor ought to be ashamed of himself for hurrying matters so." It was a very rash step for Miss Briskett to go to the length of such a remark about the Governor, but the deacon's wife was one of the few women who are nonconductors of indiscretion, and so the Governor never heard of it. This particular Thanksgiving tide was marked in Mapleton by exceptionally charming weather.